No. Dinosaurs never swam and never flew. Some would enter shallow water to catch prey and possibly bathe, but were not adapted for life in the water.
Don't get confused with animals like Plesiosaurs or Mosasuars, both of which are reptiles NOT dinosaurs. These reptiles did live at the same time as dinosaurs (throughout the Cretaceous).
Remember: All dinosaurs were reptiles, but not all reptiles were dinosaurs. There were marine reptiles and flying reptiles that lived at the same time as dinosaurs.
----------------------------------------------------------------------That's not exactly right. If the questioner means were there any aquatic dinosaurs, then the answer is correct. However, he's asking if any dinosaurs swam, I think some of the hadrosaurs did - maybe to the extent that modern muskrats do. There's pretty good fossil evidence that indicates some of these animals (Trachodon for e.g.) had webbed feet, which would suggest they weren't afraid to get their feet wet. As noted above, the only truly aquatic reptiles that lived during the age of dinosaurs were plesiosaurs, ichthyosaurs, and mosasaurs. The mosasaurs were just huge Varanid lizards, as the above answer notes. I'm not sure how the plesiosaurs or ichthyosaurs are currently classified, but they're definitely not dinosaurs.
no, it was a large land dinosaure that lived during the Jurassic period. it is a herbavore with a large stomach and short thick legs like a elephant only it had a proportionally small head and long skinny neck and tail. most memerably was the many diamond shaped plates sticking out of its back and tail! the cool plates make it a well known dinosaure that has even been shown in many movies such as the "Jurassic park" series and " land before time" series
Dinosaurs never flew dinosaurs were land reptiles although some dinosaurs could swim
Spinosaurus was a land dinosaur that scientists think could swim. It lived in what is now North Africa.
No, they do not swim. Hadrosaurs (duckbilled dinosaurs) are the only ones that swim. Imagine that...a hadrosaur!
It is possible that many dinosaurs were able to swim. I´m sure the hadrosaurs (duck-billed dinosaurs) were capable of doing just that. However there weren't any that were built like seals or dolphins. Animals such as the icthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, and pliosaurs were all reptiles and not dinosaurs. Like most large land animals today, most dinosaurs could probably swim, if only marginally. No known dinosaur has been found that actually lives in the water, though some evidently ate fish and lived near water.
The "dinosaurs" that could fly, such as Pterodactyl, or swim, such as Elasmosaurus, weren't true dinosaurs. Therefore, they were prehistoric animals that were not dinosaurs.
Some.Mr. Seidschlag
You mean Plesiosaurus? Oh, nope, it's not a dinosaur at all, no dinosaurs back then could swim...or fly. "Flying Dinosaurs" are actually a different group of prehistoric reptiles. Same goes for "Swimming Dinosaurs."
Dinosaurs were land dwellers, though some probably could swim it was not their main form of locomotion. However in the time of the dinosaurs there were also two classes of marine reptile that are now extinct. There where Icthyosaurs, which resembled dolphins, and Plesiosaurs, which had paddles for limbs, but these were separate from dinosaurs. As to flying, there were also flying reptiles during that time called pterosaurs. Again these were a group of animals separate from, but related to dinosaurs. However, one group of flying animals than many scientists now consider to be a branch of dinosaurs are the birds.
None! Dinos didn't fly or swim.
If the question refers to the sea-lizards, please be advised that these were NOT dinosaurs. Chances are all dinosaurs could swim - somewhat. Ceratopsians and Anklyosaurs were probably not very good at it, but certainly the Hadrosaurs would have been comfortable in water.
none see.. your thinking of Pterodactylus, right? Well no dinosaur could either fly, nor swim. the flying reptiles roamed the sky at that time.