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about 6 inches

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Q: How big are white lions claw?
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Where to find a Razor Claw on Pokemon white?

u can find the razor claw on route thirteen in white

What is the chance of getting the Lions Claw's weapon from the Headsman in kingdoms of Amalur?

about 2%

How big could white lions get?

they can get about 4 feet tall and weigh up to 375 pounds

Where is dragon claw in Pokemon white?

You can get TM02 Dragon claw in victory road

What animals are a white lion's predator?

Other lions could possibly be a preditor and other big cats too!

When was The White Lions created?

The White Lions was created in 1981.

Is a white lion in endangered?

White lions are not a seperate species from regualr lions, so if lions are endangered, so are white lions. White lions are only a few in the wild, it's a genetic hiccup that would prevent them from surviving in the wild. Most white lions are bred in captivity.

How big are white lions?

White lions are typically around the same size as other lions, with males reaching lengths of 8-10 feet (2.4-3 meters) and weighing between 330-550 pounds (150-250 kg), while females are slightly smaller. Their size can vary depending on factors such as genetics, habitat, and food availability.

Where can you find white lions?

we find white lions in south africa but because of hunters they are endangered and there are very less white lions

How big is a claw?

3 cm