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Q: How did the troodon look like?
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How old did the troodon like to?

i think it was 13 years to 17 years old

When did the Troodon?


What is a troodon?

Troodon is a genus of small, bird-like dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous Period, about 77 million years ago. They were one of the most intelligent dinosaurs known, with large brains relative to their body size. Troodon is believed to have been a carnivorous predator that likely fed on small animals.

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How did dinosaur look after their young?

We know very little about how they raised their young. We know that most, if not all, dinosaurs laid their eggs in nests. Troodon and Oviraptor are known to have incubated their young by sitting on the eggs, like modern birds. Dinosaurs such as Massospondylus and Maiasaura fed their young, but Troodon young probably took care of themselves as soon as they hatched.

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Where did the troodon lived?

Troodon were a genus of maniraptoran dinosaur. They are famous for being the smartest known dinosaurs. Their fossils have been found throughout western North America and as far north as Alaska.

What makes scientists believe that the bird-like dinosaur named troodon was one of the ''smartest'' dinosaurs?

Yes. In fact, paleontologists have actually looked inside the brain cavity of Troodon. They found that it had the biggest brain relative to body size of any dinosaur. Because of this, Troodon is believed to have been the smartest dinosaur.

How big were troodon eggs?

as big as a fist