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you need to use a stun seed on wigglytuff at the start, kill everyone else, use sleep powder on wigglytuff, and keep using strong moves until wigglytuff is dead. its not as complicated when you are a mudkip that knows hail, blizzard, and endeavor.

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Q: How do you beat wigglytuff in explorers of time my hero is Bulbasaur and my partner chimchar Bulbasaur's moves are tackle razor leaf sleep powder and giga drain and chimchar's are all fire types?
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Pokemon mystery dungeon 2 explorers of time why can't i beat wigglytuff?

wigglytuff is a phsicyc so you should use a dark type pokemon with dark moves so they could be efective or a bug type move but i beat him with my squirtle and bulbasaur

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You cant. There isn't any wigglytuff at all besides your leader

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wigglytuff sorry if my spellings a little wrong but wigglytuff has ruffly about 1000 life on explorers of time but i do recomund using a water type or a grass type on him and i also recomend linking your moves before you fight him so that's all i got so good luck.

How do you beat the guild on Pokemon explorers ok sky?

Very carefully .-_-. Seriously, if you cant beat the Wigglytuff guild then you're just sad. Wigglytuff will cheer you up.

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wigglytuff is really the grand master he is just lying when he says he is not

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mystifying forest

What level is wigglytuff in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of time?

I do believe around 40 or 50.

How do you become Bulbasaur on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of darkness?

Just keep starting new games and take the test over and over until you get bulbasaur.

Where to find team charm in Pokemon explorers of time?

You first see them in Wigglytuff's guild and then they help you defeat regigigas.

What is the recruitment code in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Darkness for a male Bulbasaur?

I wasn't aware of the fact there were codes. However, if you google it, there is a certain document made by gamestop with how to start as a Bulbasaur. :)

What do you do after graduating from Wigglytuff's guild in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers Of Sky?

Defeat the guild in mystifying forest i(t was pretty difficult).The most hardest to knock out is wigglytuff (The Grandmaster of all things bad).