There is no invisible dragon!
There is no such thing as an invisible dragon in dragonvale.
There is no such thing as an invisible dragon in dragonvale.
This is how you breed a invisible dragon u normally u cannot see the dragon and it only comes out on April ok u breed a earth dragon and a air dragon have fun.
Dude, the ghost rumor could be fake. First of all, it is said that snow and storm makes one. But seriously, what are its elements? I mean, this could be some idiot trying to fool us. Backflip studios was asked about this rumor. They said they couldn't deny or confirm the existence of ghosts or ghost dragons in dragonvale. So unless you're really free, try to breed it yourself and post a pic. Or if you're not, wait till someone has it then you breed one. Some losers even said they have it but they can't prove it, so if you happen to breed one, post a pic and You'll be a STAR. maybe... Good luck! : ) My GC code: dittro
Snow+Fog Snow+Storm
You don't breed a Kairos Dragon in DragonVale. You have to get parts to complete it.
you breed a ice dragon with a mine dragon
You have to breed a plant and a fire dragon.
As of July 2012, there has not been a star dragon in DragonVale.
You have to breed a sun and moon dragon together
You have to breed a metal and a water dragon together.
You have to breed a plasma dragon with a salamander dragon.
Breed the earth dragon with the fire dragon.
To get a Smoke Dragon, breed a fire and air dragon together.
There is no "marsh" dragon in dragonvale but if you are referring to the moss dragon the best way to get it is earth and plant, although you also have a chance to breed the tree dragon.
Earth Dragon and Cold Dragon