you go to badmist mountain with a mousterous nightmare or a zippleback.Night furies/toothless likes fish
You can find out more information regarding Toothless on the How to Train Your Dragon Wiki. You can also also play the game released by DreamWorks titled Wild Skies that allows you to play in his world.
in unlandable cove!
Wild Kentucky Skies was created in 1992.
There will never be a Boneknapper on Wild skies.
You get money in wild skies by doing challenges when your flying on your dragon.
how to save game wild skies
at wild dragon cliff
It is in Wild Dragon Cliff, in a crack in the cliff. It shouldn't be too hard to find. Hope this helped you!
you find it in black heart cave it eats fish
To get the night fury you have to first get the monstrous nightmare. After obtaining the nightmare you have to go to badmist mountain with fish,honeycombs or crabs. when at Badmist mountain land and go past the viking and it should take you to a place with trees where you train toothless
you cant get it. its not out