Yes, dinosaurs have bones, so all vertibrates have bones.
not yes, because some of the dinosaurs have strong bones. Some dinosaurs have strong bones in their body but sometimes some of their body parts are weak!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No many people believe that dinosaurs were real. And so they should dinosaurs have left fossils of their bones this proves their existence.
What type of bones did dinosurs what???
Dinosaur bones are bigger
Many of their genes are the same.
-Dinosaurs have thin/hollow bones, like birds. -Many dinosaurs take care of their young. -Dinosaurs can walk upright (some, at least). -The hip structure of dinosaurs is dissimilar to that of a lizard.
Yes there is evidence of Mesozoic dinosaurs in the form of fossilised bones of hundreds of clades, ranging from embryos to adult, eggs, coprolites and trackways. There are dinosaurs living today, the birds which are theropod dinosaurs. There is overwhelming evidence that birds derived from dinosaurs. There are now many fossils that show many types dinosaurs had feathers.
Yes, archaeologists have found numerous bones from dinosaurs underground.
people all over the world dobut dinosaurs are reel