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Q: How would you describe the eating habits of a T. rex and a?
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What are the eating habits of a t rex?

T. REX normally ate stegosaurus and brachiosaurs.

How would you describe the eating habits of tyrannosaurus-rex and utahraptor?

utahraptor would be taking flesh peice by peice eating small peices while tyrannosaurus would be ripping flesh medium sized and could eat small prey whole. utahrapter also probably scavenged for chicks of other dinosaurs and eggs. tyrannosaurus ate newborn and juvenile sauropods.

How would you describe the eating habits of tyrannosaurus rex and utahraptor?

utahraptor would be taking flesh peice by peice eating small peices while tyrannosaurus would be ripping flesh medium sized and could eat small prey whole. utahrapter also probably scavenged for chicks of other dinosaurs and eggs. tyrannosaurus ate newborn and juvenile sauropods.

List of Crestaceous dinosaurs and there habits?

T rex. No one really knows any of the dinosaurs habits.

Who was the greatest meat eating dinosaur?

T-rex no? _____________ THE T-REX

Which dinosaur is larger Brontosaurus or Tyrannosaurus Rex or Giganotosaurus?

I believe the order would be (from largest to smallest): Giganotosaurus, Brontosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Rex. Although, the T-Rex is the largest meat eating dinosaur.

How and what a t rex eats?

Tyrannosaurus Rex was a carnivore - hunting and eating other dinosaur species.

What was the biggest eating dinosaur?

Tyrannosaurus Rex! not spinosaurus

Can you show an image of Pteranodon eating a dead T-rex?

Yes, I can.

What is an adjective to describe the messenger in Oedipus Rex?


Can a spinenasaurus kill a t-rex?

Yes, because spinosaurus was a lot bigger and was faster.

How would you describe antigone character in 'Oedipus Rex'?

Antigone is a young girl in Oedipus and she has no lines. It is not until Oedipus at Colonus that her character begins to develop.