Tyrannosaurus Rex was the most advanced and powerful large carnivore Dinosaur of all time...Especially its number one weapon...Its jaws are some of the most powerful jaws beside megalodon and I think predator x...Rex could bite with multiple tons of force meaning one bite to almost any animal would leave serious damage..Its teeth were meant to crush bone so while bite another animal the bone would easily snap being very painful..and if that didn't work the bacteria in it mouth would be on the wound,the rex would leave waiting for the animal to die,then smell out the corps...Rex had other strong feature all over its body..its neck,legs and even arms were backed by very powerful muscles..Though they are small you needed some way to get 7 tons of weight up in the morning...
Spinosaurus is another story..Its was big but in most places weak compared to T-rex..The only place were he POSSIBLY exceeded were the arms...Spinosaurus arms were meant for two purposes..one to use as a weapon on fish or threats..and this is my opinion but may have walked on all 4s....Why do I say this..well you notice other carnivores have short arms like trex and I doubt they walked on 4s unless trying to get up in the morning..But if you look at its cousins, Baryonyx and Suchomimus most depictions show them possibly walking on 4s...Spino weighs 9 tons(possibly) and how would you support that..using its powerful arms to walk...Now spino may have walked on 2legs too similar to Bears..standing on two to protect itself and/or intimidation....This would as have less damage on its spino if it fell... Shorter the distance the less damage to that not so flexible spine...
But back to your question in a basic answer T-rex was more powerful and advanced and would beat the snot out of spino..the later you exist the more advanced you are....IF YOU WANT TO ARGUE I'M LEGOCREATOR100 on YouTube..:P
this is spinososurus and t rex well my vote is for t rex because he had the strongest bite force and spino has weakest 1 point for t rex second point t rex had 50 teeth and spino had 45 and+ t rex would be faster because he is a bit smaller and t rex can jump very high t rex can easily deafeat spinosaurus.t rex is stronger.
Yes spinosaurus has powerful claws and it's massive size, it's bite is not as deadly but can injure the t-rex, so yes a spinosaurus can kill a t-rex.
spinosaurus was probably more lightly built than rex so yes
It was previously thought that the Tyrannosaurus Rex was the king of the dinosaurs. However, recent evidence has proved this was wrong. The king of the dinosaurs was actually the Spinosaurus. Which was much larger, stronger, faster and far superior than the T-Rex.
No. Carcharodontosaurus was about 14m long, slightly smaller than giganotosaurus and 4m smaller than spinosaurus. Hieght wise it was about the same as giganotosaurs and T-Rex but shorter than spinosaurus. Its weight was around 7-8t, similar to giganotosaurus, more than T-Rex but less than Spinosaurus.
A T-Rex of coures, because a T-Rex is bigger than a Allosaurus alot, and have a more powerful bite
the best type of dinosaur is spinosaurus. it had large arms, unlike t-rex. and it had a long mouth so it can kill its prey easily. and there are even results that spinosaurus is way better than t-rex. people should consider spinosaurus the king of the dinosaurs.
T-Rex , spinosaurus , And allosaurus
t. rex had a much stronger bite and bigger teeth but gigantosaurus was a little bigger than t. rex