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Add geneticist, trying to decode their genome. A paleontologist and maybe a palebontonist.

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Q: Two kinds of scientists that study dinosaurs?
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What are the scientists who study prehistoric times called?

two types of scientists who specialize in prehistoric times are 1) Paleontologists, they studied dinosaurs and such and 2) Paleobotonists, they study prehistoric plants.

What are two kinds of information that scientists attempt to infer from the study of fossils?

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What are two ways that's scientists can study earths climates history

What were the names of the first dinosaurs that contributed to the study of the dinosaurs?

Two of the earliest dinosaurs to be named were the Iguanodon (a plant-eater) and Megalosaur (a meat-eater).

What two basic kinds of dinosaurs lived on the Earth?

Tyranasaurus Rex and Dinosaurus.

How many kinds of dinosaur were there?

There are two options, people belive that if they multiply and divide right, they can find out how many were there, but then again, Scientists believe that the area where the most dinosaur bones and fossils found was at "East of Africa", scientists believe 9,000,935,985,784 dinosaurs were on the planet, so if that number was divided by the number the scientists had mathed out the answer would be about 400-600 types of dino's

Why do scientists believe that birds evolved from dinosaurs?

Scientists believe birds evolved from dinosaurs because of several pieces of evidence, such as shared skeletal features, fossil records of "transitional" bird-like dinosaurs, and genetic similarities. These connections suggest that birds are the descendants of a group of small theropod dinosaurs.

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What are two ways that scientists can study earth climate history?

One way that scientists can study earth's climate history is by seeing where places and things are eroded.

What are two ways that scientists can study earths climate history?


What are two ways that scientists can study earths climatic history?


What are two ways that scientists study earths climate history?
