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* Dark dragons are usually powerful dragons either with dark complexion or is associated with magic which is "dark" as opposed to the "light" magic which religions embody. Due to either association, dark dragons are usually seen as outcasts, which drives no small amount of the dark dragon population to unorthodox ways which gives them a bad name. Despite such social stigma, there are exceptions to such a rule. See related questions for further discussion on this topic. * A login on Wikianswers

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Q: What are dark dragons?
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Are there any good dark dragons out there?

Yes, there could be good dark dragons. "Dark" does not at any point simply "evil" or "not good". Since they have no correlation, there can be good dark dragons. (Case in point).

Can dragons see in the dark?

Yes. Some types of dragons, such as night dragons, can.

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What does d and d stand for?

It stands for dragon and dark. 'Dungeons and Dragons' .... a classic RPG.Dungeons & Dragons-the game.

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Are all dragons good?

CYC:No. some dragons are bad, but there are ways to befriend dragons, tame them, and turn their hearts away from darkness. ---- Phoenixboy: Whoever said this is right... teach them how to love and protect. This will keep them from becoming Dark Dragons.

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Fire and dark.

How do you get petroleum in Dragon City?

Easy, just breed water and dark dragons

What dragons do you breed to make poo dragon?

mud dragon+dark dragon

What colour is a bearded dragons?

Grayish to dark gray lizard with splotches of cream.

How do you get pure dragons?

you get pure dragons with puutting the pure dragon first and then the other (terra,flame,sea,plant,electric,ice ,metal or dark).But dont forget about the fact the dragons must be same level .

How do you get the pure dragons?

you get pure dragons with puutting the pure dragon first and then the other (terra,flame,sea,plant,electric,ice ,metal or dark).But dont forget about the fact the dragons must be same level .