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some dinosaurs eat meatsand veggies but some

just practically eat meat.

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They are called omnivores. Not only to dinosaurs but this apply to other forms of animals.

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Q: What are dinosaurs that ate both meat and plants called?
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What sentence can you use with the word omnivores?

Humans are omnivores, because they eat both meat and vegetables.

Were all dinosaurs carnivores?

No. Some, most dinosaurs were herbivores. Only the theropods were carnivores.

What is another name for plant eater dinosaurs?

Plant-eating dinosaurs are called Herbivores [herb-IH-vores] (like veggieterians). Meat-eating dinosaurs are called Carnivores [car-NIH-vores] (like the Tyrannosaurus Rex). Dinosaurs that eat both are called Omnivores [ahm-NIH-vores] (like most humans) hope this helps.

Is a dinosaur a carnivore?

Not all dinosaurs were carnivores. Some dinosaurs were herbivores, eating only plants. Others were omnivores, consuming both plants and meat.

What do dinosaurus eat?

some dinosaurs called herbivores ate plants and some called carnivores ate meat .

What is a dinosaur that eats plants and meat?

A dinosaur that eats meat and plants is called omnivorous. Examples of omnivorous dinosaurs include Citipati and Ornithomimus.

Was there more plant dinosaurs then meat eating dinosaurs?

yes most dinosaurs ate plants

What did the dinosaurs eat and how?

Dinosaurs are just like any other animals, some eat meat, others eat plants. These dinosaurs that eat meat are called Carnivores. These dinosaurs that eat plants are called Herbavores. These dinosaurs that eat both meat and plants are called Omnivores. Carnivores hunted other living creatures for their food: T-Rex would engage other animals in a battle. After the T-Rex killed the other animal, it would begin feasting. Velociraptor would hunt other animals in packs for added safety and strength, allowing for heftier kills. Herbavores ate the plants that were around them: Brachiosaurus is believed to have eaten off the tops of very tall trees. Omnivores did a combination of both: I do not know any examples of Omnivores off the top of my head; however, they either ate the plants, hunted alone, or hunted in packs. (Most likely).

Were all dinosuars carnivores?

No, not all dinosaurs were carnivores. There were herbivorous dinosaurs that primarily ate plants, such as the Triceratops and the Apatosaurus. Additionally, some dinosaurs were omnivores, meaning they ate both plants and meat.

Eat both plant and meat is called?

Omnivores eat both plants and meat.

What are animals that eat meat and plants?

Animals which consume both meat and plants are called omnivores. Animals which consume only meat are called carnivores, while animals which consume only plants are called herbivores.

How would the dropping temperatures impact the dinosaurs?

if temperature drops quick enough, plants die. if plants die, the dinosaurs that eat plants die. if those dinosaurs die, then the carnivorous meat-eating dinosaurs die. then, all dinosaurs die.