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During the start of the most famous ice age, the whales that megaladon preyed on migrated to colder water, where megaladon couldn't follow. It went extinct due to lack of food.

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Q: What happened to the megaladon?
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What happened to megaladon?

Became extinct about 1.5 million years ago. Reasons for this are thought to be the cooling of the oceans on a global scale and a decline in the supply of food

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Was the megaladon tough?

Well if u think a megaladon IS TOUGH ANOF TO KILL A HUMPBACK WALE IN ABOUT 2 WHHOLLLE BBBIIITTEEESSSSSSSSSSS i say they are take care i answer most megaladon questions TOMI take care;)

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megaladon could still live or he could not he might live were we can not go like 1,000 miles deep or megalodon could be dead

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megaladon easy next question

How much does a megaladon dinosaur weigh?

50-100 tons.