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A basilosaurus is any of a group of very large extinct cetaceans of the family Basilosauridae, from the late Eocene period.

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Q: What is a basilosaurus?
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What were the Basilosaurus predators?

Some possible predators of the basilosaurus were the shastasaurus, the dunkleosteus, and the elamosaurus. The basilosaurus was very large and had very few predators.

When did the zeuglodon die out?

Basilosaurus is the proper name for this creature. Basilosaurus died out during the Eocene extinction 33,000,000 years ago.

What does basilosaurus mean?

King lizard.

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How would you describe the habitat where the basilosaurus lived?

Basilosaurus is an extinct whale, so its habitat was either open ocean or coastal seas.

How did the Basilosaurus become extinct?

Scientists believe the basilosaurus became extinct by when the water was getting too cold leading up to the ice agr

Is a basilosaurus more like a land mammal or a whale?

it is a whale

When did the basilosaurus become extinct?

The same way as the rest of the dinosaurs.

Is the Basilosaurus monster is still alive?

NO! they lived in prehistoric times with the dinosaurs

Who would win basilosaurus or dunkleosteus?

probably whale would win

Megalodon vs basilosaurus who would win?

megalodon its attack is better than a basilosauras