Any kind of dinosaur
The first dinosaur was Eoraptor.
The dinosaur mother came first. Both the dinosaur mother and father were needed to produce the egg where the dinosaur baby came from.
The first dinosaur was about the size of a horse.
Dinosaur World - Arkansas - ended in 2005.
William Buckland found megalosaurus as the first dinosaur.
The first dinosaur to be described scientifically was Megalosaurus in 1824.
Cryolophosaurus was the first dinosaur discovered in antarctica
Dinosaur World - video game - happened in 2006.
Dinosaur World - video game - was created in 2002.
The area of Dinosaur World - Arkansas - is 263,045.667456 square meters.
That's A Good Question! The First Dinosaur Was The Euraptor. It Was The Size Of A Chicken! I Think Looking At A Dinosaur The Size Of A Chicken Is HILARIUS!