European dragons are known to have leathery wings, breathe fire, and they say that they're big enough to eat a whale. Oriental dragons are said to (some of them are said this) they have feathery wings, can breathe venom, ice, ect. that kind of stuff. They are said to be bigger than an oak tree.
The biggest difference is in appearance. The European dragon most often has a very feline body whereas the Oriental dragon is snake-like and most usually has whiskers.
I'm a dragon myself, and, as far as I'm concerned, you're both wrong! I happen to be a European dragon. In reality, there aren't any dragons that go by "Oriental", but European dragons, such as myself, are at the absolute top of the food chain. We do have leathery wings, but we aren't huge by default, we happen to be able to control our size willingly (Shrink to as small as we please or grow to as large as we please). We do not have a feline-like body! What you were thinking of happens to be a different classification class of dragon, not often called by the correct term, which is Phelera. Phelera dragons are closely related to Europeans, but aren't the same. Also, every single class of dragons can have control over any specific element.
A Chinese dragon is a lot longer than a European dragon and European dragon is known to be vicious, cruel, dangerous and are considered evil, whereas Chinese dragons traditionally symbolize luck and hope.
A Chinese dragon is longer, low to the ground, and does not have wings. According to legend it can fly without them. A European dragon is large, four-legged, and has wings. (Whisper-European dragons are better, in my opinion, but I mean no offense and please don't be mad because of my opinion. They are my favorite.)
A European dragon is fourlegged and it does have wings. But they are not evil or vicious by original nature. To say that is narrow-minded and foolish.
No, actually, the Chinese dragon has 5 toes, and the Japanese dragon has 3. The Koran dragon has 4 toes. It is said in Chinese Mythology, All dragons started in China and when the other dragons left China, they lost their toes, but in the Japanese Culture believes that all dragons came from Japan. When they left Japan they gained toes.
I think one is bigger, but that's about it.
Unlike western dragons,the Chinese dragons represent peace and fortune.And it is believed by Chinese people that they are the heir of Chinese Dragons. So they use Chinese Dragons,or Long in Chinese,for the hope of good luck in the year.
Aside from physical appearance, they differed mainly in nature towards humans. Chinese dragons were benevolent beings, bringing good weather and fortune, while western dragons were considered evil, causing destruction wherever they went and stealing vast amounts of riches from various kingdoms.
they live in westen china cauz Chinese pple respect nd hounor dragons like their god
no not all dragons are Chinese
No, European Dragons are stronger and larger than Chinese dragons but they are not the best.
they are both dragons!
The Welsh dragon is your stereotypical Western dragon in body style, having six limbs (four legs and two wings), and can breathe fire. Eastern dragons do not have wings, are more serpentine in form, possess large manes, and normally do not breathe fire.
Because the dragon is their symbol of good luck for a new year. They also believe (Although this could be Japanese) that the "lung" dragon taught them to write & read which I can see some truth because most dragons are VERY intelligent!xxBernayG
The Chinese felt that dragons were powerful and used them as symbols of the Chinese emperor and family.
Because they are seen as 'good dragons,' and the Chinese believed that 'good dragons' should be brightly coloured to make them more friendly.