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The closest living relatives of dinosaurs are birds.

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Q: What modern group is most closely related to dinosaurs?
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Did mammals evolve from dinosaurs?

No. Mammals evolved from synapsid reptiles, a group not closely related to dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are more closely related to modern reptiles and birds than they are to mammals.

What group of vertebrae is most closely related to birds?

The group of vertebrates most closely related to birds are probably the dinosaurs.

What group of dinosaurs was arcyopteryex?

Archeopteryx belongs to the group Aves, which are a subgroup of Theropoda. They were closely related to the link between dinosaurs and birds.

Are modern birds more closely related to archaeopteryx or the first reptiles?

A evolutionary form of a bird. It had wings and feathers but still probably acted like a dinosaur but im not sure.

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Are lizards the evolved version of a dinosaur just smaller?

No. Lizards evolved from a separate group of reptiles and, as far as reptiles go, are not closely related to dinosaurs. The modern "evolved form" of the dinosaurs is actually the birds.

Archaeopteryx is believed to be a link between which modern animal group?

Archaeopteryx is not believed to be an ancestor to any modern animals. However, it was probably closely related to the evolutionary link between birds and dinosaurs.

What animal has found to be related to dinosaur?

A pterodactyl is technically not a dinosaur people just think it is. But, it certainly is a very very close relation to the dinosaurs, belong to a group of reptiles called pterosaurs. Even more closely related to dinosaurs are modern birds.

Did underwater dinosaurs evolve into crocodiles?

what an interesting topic! Birds and reptiles are the living descendantsof the dinosaurs that survived the meteorite-triggered mass extinction that killed off most of the species living 66 million years ago. And of all reptiles, crocodiles are the most closely related to birds.

Is aligator a dinosaur?

No. However, alligators and dinosaurs are both archisaurs, or advanced reptiles. A rather different group of creatures are more closely related to dinosaurs: birds.

What group of reptiles exemplified by the fossil Archaeopteryx led to the evolution of?

Archaeopteryx is considered the 1st Bird. It was from a long line of Avian dinosaurs which are very very closely related to the Raptor family of Therapod Dinosaurs. The morphology of avian dinosaurs and modern birds are so similar many scientist class birds as avian dinosaurs.

Are dinosaurs more closely related to amphibians than reptiles?

No, dinosaurs are more closely related to reptiles than amphibians. Both dinosaurs and reptiles belong to the group called diapsids, which are characterized by having two openings in the skull behind the eye socket. Amphibians, on the other hand, belong to a different group called tetrapods.