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Usually, you can only tell conclusively that a dinosaur had feathers if there are feather imprints with the dinosaur fossil. One exception is that fused bones at the end of the tail may suggest that the tail was meant to support long feathers, in which case the bones can suggest that there were feathers. Another example is if the bones of the forearm have attachment points for a bunch of ligaments other than the ligaments at the joints, the ligaments probably provided attachment points for feathers.

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Q: Which features of a dinosaur fossil indicate that it have feathers?
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What fossil proved that dinosaurs had feathers?

The first dinosaur discovered to have had feathers was Archaeopteryx. Later finds found that many other dinosaurs including Velociraptor, Yutyrannus, and Anchiornis are known to have had feathers.

Why would a dinosaur with feathers be a bad index fossil?

A dinosaur with feathers would be a bad index fossil because feathers are soft tissue that decay rapidly after death, making them unlikely to be preserved in the fossil record. As a result, a fossilized dinosaur with feathers would be incredibly rare and not representative of the entire population of dinosaurs during that time period. This would make it difficult to use as a reliable marker for correlating rock layers.

Why are transitional important?

Transitional fossils are important because they are visual evidence of one type of animal evolving into another type of animal. A transitional fossil always contains features of one type and features of another. For example, Archaeopteryx is a transitional fossil that is a cross between a dinosaur and a bird. It has a bony tail, teeth, and claws like a dinosaur, but it has feathers and is able to fly like a bird. It is an important link in the evolution from dinosaurs to birds.

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Is a dinosaur fossil renewable?

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In dinosaur king what do you do with the giant fossil?

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No. A triceratops is a dinosaur.

What are the differences between a dinosaur skeleton and an insect encased in amber?

Assuming you meant a dinosaur fossil and an insect fossilized in amber, the difference is that the soft tissues of the insect remain whereas the dinosaur fossil shows only hard tissues such as bone and tooth. Additionally, the insect fossil is the actual insect, wheras the dinosaur fossil is a stone formation that was created by rock replacing the bones of the dinosaur.

The footprint of a dinosaur are an example of what type of fossil?

They are an example of a trace fossil