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There are numerous types of lights that can be used. Flashlights and the light sticks that can be cracked to release light can be used. Also solar powered lights, push button stick on lights, and lights that can be run off a generator are options.

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Q: What lights can I use in case of an emergency?
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Can I use my emergency lights on a freeway?

Depending on the weather conditions yes. But your discretion is advised while operating your emergency lights on a freeway or highway. Under certain circumstances you may use your hazard lights but be cautious.

What are sho me emergency lights?

Sho Me emergency lights are the lights that are on top of a police/other government vehicle. They are the famous lights that cops use to pull people over or that the firetruck uses to warn people that it is coming.

What type of vehicles can use flashing lights?

Every vehicle has the ability to turn on flashing lights. Most commonly, police cars, ambulances and fire trucks employ flashing lights as a warning to other drivers of an emergency. A normal motorist can emgage their flashers in case they are pulled off the road in an emergency or going below the speed limit.

Who invented the police lights?

Police lights are the red and blue lights that use in an emergency. It was invented by a Superintendent of Signals for the Police Department of Detroit in 1920.

How many emergency lights are necessary in a restaurant?

There should be enough lights to allow people to be able to see when they are activated. The point of these is to keep things safe in case of a power outage.

Are car led lights legal in New York state?

yes strobe lights are legal so long as they are not used with flashing red /blue lights . Only emergency state vehicles are authorized to use such lighting for emergency use only. Personal vehicles can use or obtain strobe lighting only and can not be used with any other colored flashing lights.

What Color lights mn conservation officer emergency boat?

If they are sworn, armed, law enforcement officers, with the power of arrest, they can use the same color emergency lights as any other law enforcment agency in the state.

Does the Honda Accord have an emergency light?

All cars must have emergency flashers to be sold for use on public roads. so yes it will have them. There may also be other wraning lights like oil or water heats. The Honda Accord, like any vehicle, does have an emergency flashing light system. You can be assured that in the event of an emergency or a breakdown, that you will have emergency lights to flash.

Do emergency Lights have to be on all the time?

No. Emergency lights are designed to turn ON when there is a power loss or outage either from their back up battery or from an emergency generator. In buildings which do not have back up emergency generators, (which most are) emergency lights require power supplied to them 24/7 to keep their batteries charged.

Where is the best place to get emergency lights installed in the Delaware Vally?

You can get the best emergency lights installed in the Delaware Vally at ledqusa.

Where could one purchase LED vehicle emergency lights?

One can purchase LED vehicle emergency lights from a variety of retailers. These retailers include Amazon, Prestige Emergency Lights, LED Outfitters, SpeedTech Lights, among many other retailers.

What type of energy allows us to see and can warn people of an emergency?

Visible light energy allows us to see objects. Emergency warning systems often use light energy, such as flashing lights or colored lights, to grab attention and warn people of an emergency situation.