No, Mike Portnoy is Jewish.
Mike Portnoy's birth name is Michael Stephen Portnoy.
Mike Portnoy was born on April 20, 1967.
Mike Portnoy was born on April 20, 1967.
No, Mike Portnoy's father's name was Howard. He died of cancer. Reference an interview of Mike Portnoy: Search that web page for "my dad".
No, Mike Portnoy was not in the Nightmare music video.
Mike Portnoy is 50 years old (birthdate: April 20, 1967).
Mike Portnoy is one of The Revs favorite drummer of Dream Theater
No, he does not.
A little after Once in a LIVEtime.
No, Mike Portnoy is not staying with Avenged Sevenfold. He is only with them until they can find a new drummer that they are comfortable with. You could him their "interim" drummer.
honestly i believe that the drummer from slipknot is taking place of mike portnoy but i could be wrong . i heard this from several people