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Q: Is it possible to levatate
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Related questions

Can you levatate?

you can.

How does criss angel levatate?

He doesn't. Its just a "trick"

How can you be like Chris Angel?

Firstly you have to learn how 2 levatate.

How do you levatate stuff for real?

unless your a skilled magician , or god , you cant .

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Do we just levatate or am I on hard acid

Zelda ocarina of time how to levatate?

to levitate you need the hover boots to walk on air but only for 3 seconds

How did criss angel levatate?

criss angel has a special wire hooked to a crane that in the sun you can't see i found this on magic's greatest secrets finally revealed (a tv show)

How do you find out how to levatate?

There are two methods to levitate. The first is to attempt to REALLY levitate... generally you sit cross-legged and meditate and this causes you to levitate(supposedly). The second method is to create the illusion that you are levitating...

How do you make magnets levatate magneticly?

Remembering the rule that opposites attract and sames repel, you can use the South end of one magnet to repel the South end of a second magnet. If the 2 magnets are aligned vertically and the repelling force is sufficient to push the weight of the upper magnet away, you have a very basic levitation.

How do you levatate objects?

Levitation is hard at first. Levitation come from China it is used to relaxe your mind . Levitation is not the same thing as flying . To levitate it takes a very powerful mind and spirit . To learn how to levitate it would take around 2 to7 months learning. But remember levitation is a way to relaxe, and also NEVER use levitation as a way of REVENGE. NEVER use Chinese Tai Chi as a way of REVENGE.

How is ths possible?

How is what possible? How is what possible?

Is it possible or possible?

possible, search it on google