Skadi goes by Skadi.
Skadi's birth name is Skadi Peterson.
Skadi lives in the mountains.
Skadi is the godess of skiing, bowhunting, winter and mountains. She is the daughter of Thiazi and wife of Njord. She later married Odin.
skate did how
Superhuman strength; maximum capacity unknown; superhuman endurance and resilience; super leaping.
Greek=Artemis Roman=Diana Norse=Skadi
In Norse Mythology she is considered a jotunn (giant) and a goddess associated with bow hunting, skiing, winter, and mountains.
Artemis is not named in Norse myth; a goddess that comes close to her identity is Skadi, a goddess of hunt and ice.
- Boots of travel - Manta/butterfly - Heart of Tarasque - Guinsoo - Desolator/Eye of Skadi - Assault Cuirass then kill roshan if you want
The cast of Winter Dreams - 2009 includes: Ingrid Alexander as Skadi Newton Grey as Trond Jacob Lepiarz as The King