It's the astrological sign of Aries.
It's an astrological sign.
There is not a better astrological sign. Astrological signs are not proven to mean anything about a person's traits and are only a matter of opinion.
"Born under an astrological sign" usually refers to the Sun sign a person is born under.
If ypu mean Zodiac symbol then he's a Libra.
If you mean some kind of astrological nonsense, then the answer is that it's nonsense.
I assume you mean people with this astrological sign. Of course not, why should they be?
Delineation is an alternative term for astrological interpretation.
Astrological Straits was created in 2008.
That depends on their astrological birth charts.
Neptune rules the astrological sign of Pisces (a water element).
I'm sorry, but "accurate astrological readings" do not exists.