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Listen it most likely means you miss him or he was a good kisser but try getting back out their you know maybe it will help you get him out of your mind.

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Q: What does it mean when you keep dreaming of your ex boyfriend and it's all about you two kissing and being together but in reality he has a girlfriend and cheated on you?
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It means will you always be his, as in... If you've just met, it means - will you be my girlfriend? If you have been together for a few weeks, it means - will you be my girlfriend, forever and always? Unless one of you has cheated on the other and have resolved the problem, it means - will you be my girlfriend again? - will you be my girlfriend or his?

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only if you want to be really harsh on him and his girlfriend

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No, he/she is not a good boyfriend/girlfriend. Leave him/her and wait for him/her to come crawling back!

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Because they think, "What if everything went wrong and my boyfriend/girlfriend cheated on me during our date?"

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Then it isn't cheating ... if you and your boyfriend are doing something together, as opposed to apart, then there is nothing being cheated on ... The question is too vague.

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Sounds like you need a better boyfriend.