The phone number of the Summit County Bookmobile Library is: 435-615-3900.
The phone number of the Summit County Library Coalville Branch is: 435-336-2062.
The phone number of the Summit County Library Kamas Branch is: 435-783-4350.
The phone number of the Summit Public Library District is: 708-458-1545.
The phone number of the Summit Free Public Library is: 201-273-0350.
The phone number of the Summit Library is: 253-548-3321.
The phone number of the Summit Branch Library is: 517-783-4030.
The phone number of the Summit Branch Library is: 909-357-5950.
The phone number of the Blue Ridge Summit Free Library is: 717-794-2240.
The phone number of the Summit County Arts Council is: 970-453-0450.
The phone number of the Akron-Summit Cnty Public Library is: 330-643-9000.
The address of the Fayette County Public Library is: 531 Summit Street, Oak Hill, 25901 3446