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They don't like them

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Q: When someone is practicing voodoo and leaves feces on someone's grave what does that mean?
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Related questions

What is a voodoo doll?

used in voodoo religion to hurt someone

Can you describe someone as a voodoo doll?

The most popular sterotype of using a Voodoo doll involves sticking pins into it.

Does someone use chicken for voodoo torture?

Torture is not generally a part of Voodoo.

Could someone do acupuncture with a voodoo doll?


What is it called when someone has a doll and poke it and you can feel it?


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Is voodoo real and if it is what does it mean if someone leaves a dead black bird outside your house?

Voodoo is real to some people especially to those who practice it. Some practice it as a religion. If there is a dead black bird at your door, usually it is a threat, or warning. It can sometimes signify death of either you or one close to you.

How you get voodoo dolls on my Sims kingdom?

You have to help someone in a vacation land and they will give you a voodoo doll as a reward. Hope this helps...sorry not much of an answer..

Someone said they are going to put a voodoo on your family is this a form of a threat?

That depends on the context. Voodoo isn't always negative, in fact it rarely is.

Should you unravell a voodoo doll is it dangerous?

If it is your voodoo doll (not one that belongs to someone else, or one you have found.) Then unraveling the voodoo doll is a way to undo or end the conjure, if there is one in place with the doll.

A doll that someone polks to hurt them?

You might be referring to a Voodoo doll.

How do you make a voodoo doll control someone?

Voodoo dolls are rarely used for negative purposes. They are most often used for healing, protection, and the lot. Trying to use one to control someone would not be advised.