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You my friend, are getting Bigfoot and the Yeti mixed up. "Sasquatch" is a Native American word for bigfoot.

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Q: Why do they call yeti sasquatch?
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What do sasquatches eat?

There is no such thing as a Sasquatch. Yeah. Why is there a Sasquatch, Bigfoot, and Yeti column?

What is another name for big foot?

Yeti Sasquatch

What are the names of mythical creatures like the yeti?

a sasquatch and bigfoot abominable snowman

What are Bigfoots nicknames?

bigfoot, yeti, sasquatch, and Florida skunk ape.

Is the yeti a mammal?

Probably. Yeti and Sasquatch are both described as hairy and apelike, so it's a safe bet that they are mammals.

What is the relative Asian of the sasquatch?

Yeti, Almasti, Ebu-gogo, Baramanu, Yeren,...

What is Bigfoots nickname?

bigfoot is the most common name, but in Asia and stuff they call it the yeti sice it lives on cold mountains there. native Americans called it sasquatch

Is sasquatch and big foot the same thing?

Sasquatch, Yeti, Bigfoot, Skunk Ape and Abominable Snowman are all names for the same mythical creature.

Another name for the abominable snow man?

yeti, sasquatch, Bunyip (Australia), will ferrel

Who is the yeti's cousin?

Sasquatch, Bigfoot, abominable snowman, skunk ape are a few of his many cousins

Is there yetis in America?

Yeti is a name of an ape from the Himalayas. The American counterpart is called sasquatch or bigfoot.

What is the creature known as Bigfoot Sasquatch or Yeti and when or where was seen?

It's known as the Yeti or Abominable Snowman in the Asian mountain range of the Himalayas, Bigfoot in the American Northwest and the Sasquatch in Canada. There have been recorded sightings of this creature all over the world for hundreds of years.