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Because the cross is a holy symbol.

It is also referred in various areas, that the cross burns vampires, much like holy water and fire.

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Q: Why do vampires fear crosses?
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Are vampires enemies of God?

Vampires are not enemies of god they fear god. in such proof they Die if in light because Of gods Word "Let There Be Light" Also another pice of evidence that vampires fear god. They Die when in contact with holy water and Holy Crosses

How do you scare vampires away?

You can scare them with garlic, jewelry with crosses on them and crosses.

Are werewolves scared of crosses?

No, only vampires are said to be scared of crosses, but there is no record of werewolves being scared of crosses.

Why should vampires avoid crosses?

because_they_should">because they shouldThis is a myth. Real vampires do not avoid crosses. Some even wear them as an ironic statement.

Why aren't vampires fear tomato?

because arent fear vampires instead garlic

Why do vampires fear crucifixes?

Vampires are unholy, and fear the cross because they are made from dark magic

Are vampires really effected by crosses?

Vampires are fictional creatures and will be affected by whatever the author wishes, but holy water, crosses and wooden stakes are the most commonly used devices to ward of a Vampire in Fantasy land. vampires are not real

What are vampires arraid of?

Garlic, sunlight, crosses and holy water.

What cant vampires go near?

Sunlight, garlic, crosses.

What is staurophobia?

The fear of crosses and the crucifix.

Which things ward of vampires?

Sunlight, crosses, holy water, garlic.

What things are dangerous for vampires?

well garlic, holy water, and crosses are some things that vampires do not like. also sunlight