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Coke and TeethHere is input from Wiki s contributors:
  • I'm a nutrition major, and in my bacteriology lab, for our final we have to do an independent study. I decided to experiment on how particular sodas promote bacterial growth in the mouth to produce a very favorable environment for cavity development. I tested Regular Coke, Diet Coke, Grape Fanta, Orange Fanta, Ginger Ale, and Sun Drop. Regular Coke by far had the most bacterial growth, which was surprising since it did not contain the most sugar. My study proved that regular Coke would lead to more rapid tooth decay than any of the other sodas that were tested. I'm still in the process of experimenting and finding a conclusion as to why the bacterial growth produced by Coke (innoculated with the same oral bacteria just as all the others were) was far beyond all the others.
  • ATOMIC. Coke seems to be a brew designed to create caries. It is not only the sugar, it is also the Phosporic acid used as acidulant. Is the same acid we, the dentists, use for etching the enamel prior to the insertion of a composite (white) filling. And it works. Phosporic acid corrodes the surface of the enamel, clearing the way for the microorganisms. Several dentistry books have wonderful color pics of severely destroyed teeth withe the next text: "The patient drank too much sodas", or "The patient was a heavy Coca-Cola drinker". Diet sodas contain the same acid as well.
  • Coca Cola seems to cause cavities. It seems like that coca cola will cause holes in someones teeth and reduce the size by a little bit and change the white or slightly yellowish color to something else.
  • The acid additives in soda drinks attack your tooth enamel. Non-cola is worst, cola next. Root beer is best.
  • If in doubt what Coca Cola or Pepsi can do, take a cloth and clean off the windshield of your car, and also try the engine in a spot! If it can clean all that grime off think of what it does not only to your teeth, but your stomach. Yes, Coke and Pepsi have a high content of sugar in it.
  • I have a friend who is addicted to Coca Cola. She is only 32 and the result is she has false teeth now, it also ruins your gut. I would try and stop drinking so much, all sodas can have this affect but coke is the worst one.
  • I just woke up to the fact that even diet coke can ruin teeth. I had pretty healthy teeth most of my life but had started a habit for one year to drink diet coke because the office vending machine was my only drink/food supply. Well, what a surprise. I suddenly had yellowish teeth and caries.
  • I've been drinking Coke since I was, well quite young, I am almost fifty years old. I just I had my teeth cleaned and the dental hygenist told me that she was suprised that my teeth were in as good a condition as they were especially seeing how I have not been brushing as often as I should (You can never brush as often as you should if you listen to them) HA-HA. I might add that it has been a couple of years since I had my teeth cleaned, four maybe. Mind you I have been painfully honest with you. Yes I have been Blessed by GOD with good teeth and I should not abuse them however the truth remains I've been dring Coke (often times multiple bottles bottles a day) for nearly forty years I still have most all of my teeth and according to the hygentist I have very nice teeth.
  • I have been in dentistry for 15 years and have seen first hand what sodas can do to your teeth. Everytime you take a drink of a soda you get 20 seconds of acid attack on your teeth. Which in time will eat away at your enamel and then cause a cavity. If you have to have your daily soda it is best to drink it all at once and not to sip on it throughout the day. Also its best to brush after consuming your soda if possible, if not try to swish with some water. This goes for any kind of sweets (candy, sports drinks, fruit juices etc.) This is the same for diet or regular sodas.
  • Coca cola, whether it is diet or regular, has a very negative effect on enamel by increasing the acid pH in the mouth for a period of at least an hour. The increased acid strips the natural protective layer on your teeth (pellicle) and the enamel begins to slowly lose its natural minerals and therefore breakdown, causing decay. I am a dental hygienist and have seen young people whose teeth are great, go away to college, and come home with several areas of new decay because of coca cola consumption on a daily basis.
  • I did a science fair project on this. I put Coke and different beverages into cups with eggshells and left them there for 5 days. The coke one is not the worst but it already has a cavity.
  • For a science fair project, we did what stains teeth more, coffee or Coca Cola. Well coffee actually stains teeth while Coca Cola just adds on layers of sugar and plaque, and slowly staining it. Coffee on the other hand, stains teeth, and the less time you spend drinking coffee, and if you rinse your teeth out immediately after drinking it, you're most likely to have better teeth, and not have coffee smile.
  • If you find that you have lost enamel and are vulnerable to cavities go and take a look at the dental gel at Sillyscarlet on eBay. This gel emulates our saliva which repairs enamel. Enamel can repair itself just like bones can.
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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 8y ago

* I'm not sure about teeth but there is an experiment that is used in classrooms to teach children how to brush their teeth. Soak an egg in coca cola overnight and then try to brush it off the next day with a toothbrush and toothpaste. It is really hard to get off. I suppose someone who drank a lot of coca cola could have stained teeth. * MANY beverages can discolor teeth, including tea, coffee and lots of soda. Especially soda, because it has caramel coloring in addition to phosphoric acid. Soft drinks are the worst thing that you can put in your mouth. Not only they're the perfect recipe for tooth decay, but they cause teeth to become yellow over the years because they slowly remove the enamel layer, making the dentin layer (which is yellow) more visible).

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βˆ™ 18y ago

It tastes good. If you're tired, the small amount of caffeine may actually help you stay awake. Although there is carbonic acid in many softdrinks, it should not be considered to be harmful, since carbonic is the product of bubbling carbon dioxide through water. Our bodies use that method to expel carbon dioxide when we exhale. Recent findings suggest that if one drinks too much cola or other drinks containing Phosphoric Acid, there can be a reduction in your calcium levels. But that would require more than one or two cola's per day. Adverse long-term health effects Most nutritionists advise that Coca-Cola and other soft drinks can be harmful if consumed to excess, particularly to young children whose soft drink consumption competes with, rather than complements, a balanced diet. Studies have shown that regular soft drink users have a lower intake of calcium (which can contribute to osteoporosis), magnesium, ascorbic acid, riboflavin, and vitamin A. The drink has also aroused criticism for its use of caffeine, an addictive substance. High Fructose Corn Syrup Since the late-1980s in the U.S., Coke has been made with high fructose corn syrup instead of sugar glucose/fructose. This was largely due to the increasing prices of sugar during these times. There are some groups who criticize this move to use high fructose corn syrup over sugar due to the fact that the corn used to produce corn syrup may come from genetically altered plants. Some nutritionists also caution against high fructose corn syrup because of possible links to obesity and Diabetes. High fructose corn syrup has been shown to be metabolized differently by the human body. There is some demand in the U.S. for Coke manufactured in Mexico, which is made with natural sugar. Though the Coca-Cola company claims that there is no difference in taste, many people claim to prefer Coke made with sugar. This causes problems with Coke's distribution and bottling network, because specific franchise districts are guaranteed an exclusive market area for Coke products. Mexican-made Coke can be found for sale nearly anyplace in the US with a Mexican grocery, and is typically sold in recycled glass bottles. Kosher for Passover Coke is also made with sugar, rather than corn syrup, due to the special dietary restrictions for observant Jews (Ashkenazi Jews are prohibited from consuming corn during this period) during the holiday. This variant can be found in some areas of the US around April.

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Arya Dentals

Lvl 2
βˆ™ 4y ago

Softdrinnks contains acids, Such as Coco cola,Pepsi, So it can damage your tooth Enamel, Around the Baceterial colony, So Bacteria will increases to more percentage and eventually it leads to Cavities and tooth decay. Bacteria Will increase in 20 seconds. but it effects can last for up to 30 minutes.

For More Info Ask our Experts. aryadentals Call: ,04040213678

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Arya Dentals

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βˆ™ 4y ago

The acid in soft drinks such as Coca Cola can damage your tooth enamel around the bacterial colony, allowing the bacteria to move into the eroded areas, eventually leading to cavities and possible tooth decay. It only takes about 20 seconds for bacteria to produce acid but the effects can last for up to 30 minutes.

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Lvl 5
βˆ™ 4y ago

Soda or any other Aerated drinks are acidic and sugary. This sugar combines in your mouth with the bacteria and forms acid which attacks your teeth and starts to erode the enamel. It may lead to many other dental problems like cavity, gum diseases etc. which may also eventually lead to loss of tooth. Hence you should avoid drinking sodas and aerated drinks as much as possible.

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Dental Lifeline

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βˆ™ 4y ago

Bacteria that live inside your mouth eat sugar, producing acid as a result. The acid in soft drinks such as Coca Cola can damage your tooth enamel around the bacterial colony, allowing the bacteria to move into the eroded areas, eventually leading to cavities and possible tooth decay.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

it can erode the enamel which is why you should brush your teeth before bed. Joymaker Rn
The sugar wears down the enamel.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

not very long i imagine

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βˆ™ 13y ago


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