Yes. All non-distilled liquor requires refrigeration after it's opened. Vermouth is wine, and wine turns to vinegar if you leave it out. According to the experts at Noilly Pratt, an opened bottle of vermouth will last about 3 months if it's properly refrigerated. Buy the small bottles and keep them in the fridge. You'll enjoy marvelous martinis.
You've GOT to refrigerate raw eggs.
whats the meaning of "vermouth"
Of course you should
Soft cheeses that require refrigeration such as ricotta.
No, Methimazole does not require refrigeration. It should be stored at room temperature in a cool, dry place away from light and moisture.
Vermouth sauce is generally a reduction of dry vermouth with chicken stock and herbs. If you have made a roast chicken for example, you can use the vermouth to deglaze the roasting pan.
Yes. They are not shelf stable and require refrigeration throughout distribution and storage.
Salt does not spoil, does not require refrigeration.
Sweet vermouth (the other kind, dry vermouth, goes into regular gin and vodka martinis).