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as much as you like

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Q: How many ensure drinks can you drink a day?
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Do ensure drinks help gain weight loss weight or both?

My little sister drinks ensure a lot. You could gain or lose weight. It depends how much you drink each day. If you drink one every other day you could possibly lose weight. If you drink 2 a day like my sister it will be too much for your body and make you gain weight. So the answer to your question is both.

How many ensure drinks can you have per day?

Dont worry you wont die

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How many drinks do you have per day?

If your talking water, I drink around 6 glasses a day. Which is 250ml per drink.

How many gallons does a large bull elephant drink?

an elephant drinks up to 170 litres a day .

A cat drinks 200 ml of water a day there are 6 cats how many liters do the cats drink in 5 days?

The cats will drink 6000 ml of water a day.

If a boy drinks 2 liters of water a day how many liters will he drink in 7 weeks?

he will drink 98 liters of water in 7 weeks.

What drinks do athletes drink the day of the Olympics?

Could be water, lucozade sport and other energy drinks.

Jefferson drinks 10 cups of orange juice a day How many pints does he drink in a week?

35 pints/week

Average liquid a person drinks a day?

No people do not drink so much fluid in a day.

What does ensure plus drinks do drink ensure gain weight how much ensure plus do you need to drink in order to gain weight where do you get boost plus and ensure plus?

yes ensure plus and boost plus make you gain weight. It says it on the label "to help GAIN and maintain weight". I think that you have to drink 1 a day but if you really need to gain weight then you could drink 2. No harm done. And in about 2 weeks you could gain about 10 pounds :) you could buy them at the CVS by the medicine section they are only 8.99 but at Fiesta supermarket they are 7.99 they are cheaper :)

Adrina drinks 28 glasses of water per week how many glasses does she drink per day?

28/7 = 4 glasses per day