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It all depends on the tea.

Tea that comes from the tea plant, does contain caffeine.

The highest caffeine content is in black tea.

Green tea has less than that and white tea has the lowest quantity of caffeine of all.

Herbal teas, on the other hand, are infusions made with herbs. Most herbs don't contain any caffeine, so herbal tea tends to be caffeine free.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Yes, all true teas have caffeine, even the de-caffeinated teas have a bit of residual caffeine.

The only "teas" that don't have caffeine in them are the herbal infusions made with herbs, spices, etc. that do not have caffeine in them to begin with.

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13y ago

It matters. Green tea and black tea have caffeine but a lot of herbal teas like chamomile don't have caffeine.

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12y ago

from what I've heard all tea has caffeine unless the box (or bottle) says otherwise

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12y ago

no tea does not contain caffeine some types of tea do like green tea but not a large amount abought 5mg

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11y ago

Between 35 and 70 mg per 8 ounce cup

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11y ago

Between 35 and 70 mg per 8 ounce cup

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14y ago

Yes, almost all tea has caffeine in it.

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Q: Does white tea have caffine
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It's ok as long as you take it in moderation. Under 200 mg caffine should be fine. If you worried, you should get the decaf Lipton tea. Hope this is helpful.

What is white tea in china?

White tea is a type of true tea (from the tea plant, Camellia sinensis) which is minimally processed. White tea is usually considered as a category of its own, alongside green and black teas.There is no agreed-upon definition of white tea, but one defining distinction between white tea and green tea is usually that white tea is allowed to wither or dry naturally, rather than being steamed or pan-fired to stop oxidation. This is why white tea has a more muted color, in contrast to the bright green color of green tea.

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All tea can be healthy.Tea nattrully contains caffine which if produced in large doses can cause problems. However tea if brewed for up to 3 mins produces anti-oxidents so it dosent matter if you add milk or sugar.

What does it mean when someone says you will take white tea?

To have white tea is to have milk in your tea.

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White peony is a mild Chinese tea made from unopened tea buds.

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The caffeine levels in white tea vary by blend. The caffeine content in white tea can be as low as 12 mg and as high as 58 mg.

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What ar the four types of tea?

Green tea Red tea White tea Black tea Oolong tea

What types of tea is there?

White tea. Green tea. Oolong tea. Black tea. Rooibos tea. Mate tea. Herbal tea. and more.

Does Walmart have caffeine in its Great Value Sugar Free Iced Tea with Lemon?

NO because the fact that they Brew the tea takes out all the solids making it so the caffine is removed. If it had caffiene in it the tea would be more cloudy. Thats why the taste is more smoother and cleaner than most teas. NO IT DOES NOT HAVE CAFFIENE WHATSOEVER.