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rock salt

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Q: A chemically formed sedimentary rock composed of halite should be identified as?
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What Are Chemically Formed Sedimentary Rocks Formed From?

Chemically formed sedimentary rocks are formed from dead remains of plants and animals that is from an organic sediment.

What are the 3 types of sedimentary?

Mechanically formed sedimentary rock , Chemically formed sedimentary rock and Organically formed sedimentary rock.

What types of sedimentary rocks are there?

Physically/mechanically formed sedimentary rock, organically/biologically formed sedimentary rock, and chemically formed sedimentary rock.

Dolostone is classified as which type of rock?

Chemically formed sedimentary rock

Which kind sedimentary rock may be formed both chemically and organically?


What are the types of sedimentary rocks?

Clastic and nonclastic

List three major groups of sedimentary rock?

Sandstone and shale Actually it is Organic, Clastic, and Chemical

What is the composition of a limsestone?

limestone- chemically formed sedimentary rock, it is bioclastic meaning it was made from living organisms limestone is composed of calcite extra comments is that it has cemented shell frgments or precipitates of biologic origin

What the difference between clastic and chemical sedimentary rock?

The chemical sedimentary rock will not be composed of cemented rock particles.

The dead sea abounds in chemically formed sedimentary rocks give reason?

Saturation and deposition.

What is a calciturbidite?

A calciturbidite is a turbidite - a sedimentary deposit formed by a turbidity current - composed of calcium carbonate.

What two forces formed coal?

Coal is a combustible sedimentary rock, composed mostly of carbon and hydrocarbons.