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subduction zone <<< THIS IS WRONG #novanet user

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A rift valley.

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Q: A divergent boundary at two continental plates can result in a?
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What process is the result of a divergent plate boundary?

is formed at a divergent plate boundary

What is the difference between a divergent boundary on land and a divergent boundary on sea?

The main difference is the type of crust being pulled apart. At a divergent boundary on land, two tectonic plates consisting of continental crust are moving away from each other. This process can result in the formation of rift valleys or a new ocean basin. On the other hand, a divergent boundary in the sea occurs when two tectonic plates consisting of oceanic crust separate. This leads to the formation of mid-ocean ridges and new seafloor.

Three types of plate boundaries?

Convergent (or destructive): Where two plates are moving toward each other. Collisions between oceanic plates results in subduction of the more dense plate. Collisions between an oceanic plate and a continental plate may result in the subduction of the oceanic plate because oceanic plates are more dense than continental plates. Collisions between two continental plates results in uplift and mountain formation where neither plate subducts.Divergent (or constructive): Where two plates are moving away from each other. Divergent plate boundaries are the site of new crust formation, particularly at the mid-ocean ridges, where spreading plates are infilled with basaltic magma from the asthenosphere.Transform (or conservative): Where two plates slide (actually 'grind') alongside each other and neither plate subducts. Earthquakes are common at transform faults due to the grinding and snapping movements of the plates as they move.

What is a diverging plate boundry?

2 plate tectonic plates that move away from each other. The most active divergent boundaries are between mid-oceanic ridges . A divergent boundary is an area in the Earth's crust where two plates have been pulled apart like at a spreading center.A divergent boundary is when two plates are moving away from each other.

A possible result of plates moving along a transform boundary is?

earthquake .

Related questions

What process is the result of a divergent plate boundary?

is formed at a divergent plate boundary

Convergent boundary with no subduction?

A convergent boundary with no subduction is a continental-continental boundary. Because oceanic crust is denser than continental crust, it is always the subducting plate in a oceanic-continental boundary. In an oceanic-oceanic boundary, one of the plates will subduct, depending on several factors. Continental plates are thicker and less dense than oceanic plates, and when they converge, they push up the area where the plates meet, forming mountain ranges (note that this is not the only, or even the predominant, method of mountain formation). The Himalayas are being formed as a result of a continental-continental boundary.

What is the difference between a divergent boundary on land and a divergent boundary on sea?

The main difference is the type of crust being pulled apart. At a divergent boundary on land, two tectonic plates consisting of continental crust are moving away from each other. This process can result in the formation of rift valleys or a new ocean basin. On the other hand, a divergent boundary in the sea occurs when two tectonic plates consisting of oceanic crust separate. This leads to the formation of mid-ocean ridges and new seafloor.

Three types of plate boundaries?

Convergent (or destructive): Where two plates are moving toward each other. Collisions between oceanic plates results in subduction of the more dense plate. Collisions between an oceanic plate and a continental plate may result in the subduction of the oceanic plate because oceanic plates are more dense than continental plates. Collisions between two continental plates results in uplift and mountain formation where neither plate subducts.Divergent (or constructive): Where two plates are moving away from each other. Divergent plate boundaries are the site of new crust formation, particularly at the mid-ocean ridges, where spreading plates are infilled with basaltic magma from the asthenosphere.Transform (or conservative): Where two plates slide (actually 'grind') alongside each other and neither plate subducts. Earthquakes are common at transform faults due to the grinding and snapping movements of the plates as they move.

The difference between a transform and convergent boundary?

Convergent Boundary is a result of two tectonic plates colliding. Divergent boundary is the process where to tectonic plates move away from each other. if two tectonic plates move away from each other (diverge), each will collide with another plate (converge) on the opposite side of the divergent boundary, forming a convergent boundary with another tectonic plate.

What is a diverging plate boundry?

2 plate tectonic plates that move away from each other. The most active divergent boundaries are between mid-oceanic ridges . A divergent boundary is an area in the Earth's crust where two plates have been pulled apart like at a spreading center.A divergent boundary is when two plates are moving away from each other.

What forms at a divergent boundary?

As a result of tectonic plates that are moving from each other, the divergent boundaries form rifts, clift valleys or volcanic islands. My gf when we were talking on [dream marriage] also mentioned that those volcanic islands occur when plates move apart to produce gaps which molten lava rises to fill.

Why is there no volcanoes in United Arab Emirates?

The United Arab Emirates is in the center of a continental plate. Although. It is not impossible to have a volcano in the center of a continental plate, it is not very common as you do not have a convergent or divergent plate boundary at the specific location. As a result, there are not currently any active volcanoes in the United Arab Emirates.

Are the Andes transform divergent or convergent boundary?

The Andes are a result of the convergent boundary between the Nazca and South American Plate.

What types of boundaries are associated with volcanoes?

plates moving together

What do convergent plate boundary form?

Convergent plate boundaries can occur as a continental-continental, continental-oceanic, or oceanic-oceanic crust collision. A continental-continental collisions will typically result in a mountain range formation, such as the Himalayan Mountain Range. A continental-oceanic converging plate boundary will result in the more dense oceanic crust subducting beneath the less dense continental crust. The subduction zone leads to volcano formation from melting rock within the asthenosphere, beneath the continental crust. An example of this boundary is the west coast of the United States. An oceanic-oceanic converging plate boundary will typically result in one oceanic slab "sliding" beneath the other, due to only slight differences in density. This may form a volcanic island arc on the ocean floor, but may not necessarily reach above sea level.

Which type of plate boundaries produce volcanoes?

Continental and Oceanic plates.