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Slope and temperature play a very important role here, the steeper the slope and the higher the temperature, the easier the glacies flows. That being said, a glacier typically starts to flow when it reaches a thickness of between say 50 and 200 meters, depending on slope and temperature. The speed at which it flows is then several meters per year to several tens of meters per year, again depending on slope and temperature.

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A glacier will begin to flow when it reaches a critical thickness of about 50 meters. At this thickness, the pressure at the base of the glacier is high enough to overcome the frictional resistance and allow the ice to flow like a viscous fluid.

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Q: A glacier will begin to flow when it reaches what critical thickness?
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When does gravity begin to pull a glacier downhill?

Gravity begins acting on a glacier as soon as it accumulates enough mass to exert a downward force. This force causes the glacier to flow downhill under the influence of gravity, typically starting at the point where the glacier accumulates enough ice to overcome friction and begin moving.

Which came first the snowfield or the glacier?

A snowfield typically forms before a glacier. Snow accumulates on high-altitude areas, gradually turning into firn (a type of compacted snow). Over time, the firn transforms into glacial ice, leading to the development of a glacier.

How does a glacier form a corrie?

A corrie, or cirque, forms when a glacier erodes a hollow, armchair-shaped basin on the side of a mountain. As the glacier moves downhill, it scrapes and plucks rocks, deepening and widening the basin. When the glacier retreats, meltwater collects in the basin, forming a small lake known as a tarn.

True or false Mountains that begin when molten material reaches Earth and surface through a weak area of crust are fault-blocked mountains?

False. Mountains that begin when molten material reaches Earth's surface and then cools and solidifies are known as volcanic mountains. Fault-blocked mountains are formed when tectonic forces cause the Earth's crust to be uplifted and tilted along faults.

Clouds begin to form when water vapor in the air reaches the correct?

saturation point and condenses into tiny water droplets or ice crystals, which gather together to form visible clouds. The conditions necessary for cloud formation include cooling of the air, the presence of condensation nuclei, and rising air currents that allow the vapor to reach the saturation point.

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What are some glaciers that begin with the letter P?

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Where does the River Ganges begin?

In the Himalayan mountains, from the Gangotri glacier.

What could begin after a glacier melts?

the great lakes or just lakse

When does gravity begin to pull a glacier downhill?

Gravity begins acting on a glacier as soon as it accumulates enough mass to exert a downward force. This force causes the glacier to flow downhill under the influence of gravity, typically starting at the point where the glacier accumulates enough ice to overcome friction and begin moving.

An area where a glacier has just melted away will begin the process of what?

An area where a glacier has just melted away will begin the process of glacial rebound, where the land rebounds or rises due to the removal of the weight of the glacier. This process can lead to changes in topography, drainage patterns, and ecosystem dynamics in the area.

Which came first the snowfield or the glacier?

A snowfield typically forms before a glacier. Snow accumulates on high-altitude areas, gradually turning into firn (a type of compacted snow). Over time, the firn transforms into glacial ice, leading to the development of a glacier.

What causes a glacier to begin to melt?

Glaciers begin to melt due to increasing temperatures, either from natural climate variability or human-induced global warming. When temperatures rise, the ice in glaciers starts to melt, leading to the retreat and thinning of the glacier. Other factors, such as changes in precipitation patterns or albedo feedback, can also contribute to glacier melting.

When does the snow and ice that make up glacier begin to move downhill?

Once snow and ice reach more than 30 to 40 meters gravity begins to pull the glacier downhill.I hope I helped you!!! =)

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Rattata will begin to evolve once it reaches Level 20.

What level does ratta evolve at?

Rattata will begin to evolve once it reaches Level 20.

How does glacial erosion begin?

Glacial erosion requires movement. Thus, glacial erosion begins as soon as the glacier starts moving.

What level does machop evolve sapphire?

Machop will begin to evolve once it reaches Level 28.