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The answer is coal, because it is made up of dead plants that are buried, then are chemically changed by microorganisms then compacted over millions of years.

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Q: A kind of sedimentary rock formed from plant material over a long period of time is?
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What kind of sedimentary rock formed from plant material over a long period of time?

The answer is coal, because it is made up of dead plants that are buried, then are chemically changed by microorganisms then compacted over millions of years.

And organic sedimentary rock that forms from the action of heat and pressure on plant material over millions of years is called?

They are called Biologic sedimentary rocks. Formed when large number of living thing die.

Why is coal a sedimentary rock?

Coal is a sedimentary rock because it is formed from plant debri or the remains

Why can coal be described as both fossil and a sedimentary rock?

Coal is a rock formed from the accumulation and lithification of organic sediments, typically ancient plant material. Fossils are evidences of ancient life (in this case, ancient plant life), and therefore coal is a fossil as well as a sedimentary rock.

Partially decomposed plant material forms what?

chemical sedimentary rock

What forms underground from partially decomposed plant material?

Chemical sedimentary rock

Is coal a rock considering its made from decayed plant?

Coal is an organic sedimentary rock, formed from the sedimentary processes of compaction and cementation.

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Organic sedimentary rocks are formed from the remains of plant and animal life. Chemical sedimentary rocks are formed from the precipitation of minerals in a solution.

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