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Any "scalar" quantity, such as speed, temperature, frequency, cost, etc.

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Q: A line that indicates both magnitude and direction?
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What are vectors in geometry?

A visual diagram representing the magnitude of a force in a direction.A vectoris an object that has both a magnitude and a direction. Geometrically, we can picture a vectoras a directed line segment, whose length is the magnitude of thevectorand with an arrow indicating the direction. The direction of the vectoris from its tail to its head

What are the all component of muscular force?

1. Magnitude 2. Direction 3. Application of force 4. Line of force

Is uniform velocity always among a straight line?

Velocity is a vector quantity, thus you must consider both magnitude and direction. The direction determines whether the value is positive or negative too

How are displacement and distance similar?

Distance and displacement are similar because both have magnitude.However, displacement is a vector quantity since it has both magnitude and direction whereas distance is a scalar quantity since it has only magnitude.

What is an explanation of Free and bound vectors?

BY -Er. Ankit gangwarFREE VECTOR-a vector of which only the magnitude and direction are specified, not the position or line of action.BOUND VECTOR-A vector whose line of application and point of application are both prescribed, in addition to its direction.

How can simultaneous vectors be combined to form a resultant vector using pencil and paper?

Start with a point O. Draw a line OA in the direction of the first vector and whose length represents the magnitude of that vector (to some scale). From A, draw the line AB in the direction of the second vector and whose length represents the magnitude of that second vector (to the same scale). Then the direction and length of the straight line OB represent the direction and (to the same scale) the magnitude of the resultant vector.

What does a C with a line on top mean?

It means that C is a vector, i.e. it consists of a magnitude and a direction.

The length of a vector arrow represents its?

The direction of the arrow represents the direction of the force; the length of the arrow is proportional to the magnitude of the force.

Magnitudedirectionpoint of application and line of action are the four components of force?

Magnitude, direction, point of application and line of action are the four components of force.

Can displacement be equal to total distance traveled by an object?

Yes,the magnitude of both distance and displacement can be same provided the body continues to travel in a straight line and in the same direction. However you should remember that displacement is a vector quantity while distance is a scalar quantity so they both can be compared only by there magnitude.

Can Distance be fully described with a magnitude and a unit?

Distance can be fully described with a magnitude and a unit. It is a scalar quantity, which means it has a magnitude (numerical value) but not a direction. A related quantity is displacement, which is the straight line distance from a starting point to an ending point. Displacement is a vector quantity, so it can only be fully described with a magnitude, a unit, and and direction.

What are scalars and vectors?

* A scalar is just a number, used to represent the magnitude of something. thus, 35 is a scalar number that can mean that something is 35 inches long, 35 meters high, 35 years old, or etc. * A vector is a magnitude that has a direction. usually this is represented by magnitudes on axes that are perpendicular to each other. so, the vector ( 5 7 ) (usually written with the 5 over the 7, but the software here won't handle that) means the line from (0,0) to (5,7). notice that this line has both a magnitude (length) and a direction: i.e., it points in a different direction than the vector ( 7 5 ) but has the same magnitude, and points in the same direction as the vector ( 10 14 ) but has a different magnitude. * A tensor is a vector that has a position in space. vectors (by definition) all begin at the origin (0,0); tensors are constructed the same way but can have their origin anywhere.