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Q: A temperature of 400 K is the same as what in Fahrenheit?
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What is 400 Fahrenheit in temperature?

204.44 C 477.59 K 163.56 Re

When the absolute temperature is 400K what is the Fahrenheit temperature?

When the absol temperature is 400 k what is the F temperature?

What is 122 Fahrenheit degrees in K?

122o Fahrenheit is the same as 323 K

33 Kelvin is what degree Fahrenheit?

33 K = -400 ºF

What is 425 K in degrees Fahrenheit?

425 K - 273.15= 151.85o Celsius===============now,Temperature Fahrenheit = (151.85o C)(1.80) + 32= 305.33o Fahrenheit===============

What temperature do the kelvin and Fahrenheit scale have in common?

If you mean "What temperatures appear on both scales ?", then the answeris "All of them".If you mean "What temperature is the same number on both the Kelvinand Fahrenheit scales ?", then that's a very nice little problem.I get 574.25 F and 574.25 K as being the same temperature.

What is the Fahrenheit temperature of 165 kelvins?

165 oF = 347.04 K

What is the body temperature on the kelvin Fahrenheit scale?

310.15 K

What is 3 degrees K?

Kelvins are a unit of temperature, used mostly in scientific applications. 3 Degrees K is the same as -270 degrees Celsius, or -454 Fahrenheit.

What is equal temperature of 34 degrees Fahrenheit in kelvins?

34 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to a temperature of 274.26 Kelvin. F to K Formula: K = (F + 459.67) x (5/9)

How do convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin?

K = (F - 32) x 5/9 + 273.15 -- Subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature -- Multiply the result by 5/9 -- Add 273.15 to that result. Now you have the same temperature expressed in Kelvins.

Which is the highest temperature 400 F 400 K 400 C 400 R?

400 °C is the largest of the four. It is equal to 752 °F or 673.15 kelvin or 1211.67 rankine. To convert °C to °F, multiply by 9/5 and add 32. To convert °C to kelvins, add 273.15. To convert °C to rankine, find the Fahrenheit temperature and add 459.67