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Q: An inflated rubber balloon is rubbed with a wool cloth until an excess of a billion electrons is on the balloon. what is the magnitude of the charge on the balloons?
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Why does rubbing your hair with a balloon cause static electricity?

This has to do with the charge of the objects. Positively charged items stick to negatively charged items (think "opposites attract"). Though objects like hair and balloons are generally neutral (without a charge) and do not attract anything, this can be changed through the transfer of electrons. Electrons are negatively charged subatomic particles that can be transferred between items through contact. When you rub a balloon on your hair, the contact between your hair and the balloon allows electrons to be transferred, known as the triboelectric effect. Some materials are more likely to gain electrons and become more negative, while others are more likely to lose electrons and become more positive. In the case of hair and a balloon, the electrons are transferred from your hair to the balloon, so the balloon becomes negative. Now that electrons have been transferred, your hair and the balloon are of opposite charged and attract one another; therefore, your hair sticks to the balloon. Before the balloon contacts the hair, they both have a stable balance of electrons and protons. Once the balloon is rubbed on the hair, it takes electrons from the hair. Thus leaving the hair positively charged and the balloon negatively charged. Once the balloon is pulled away the hair sticks to it. This happens because opposite charges attract and since the hair was positively charged, and the balloon is negatively charged, they attract.

Why is hydrogen used in weather balloons?

Hydrogen is used in weather balloons because they are very light which help the balloon to float or fly easily.

What is the cost to fill a helium balloon?

How big is the balloon? And what pressure do you require it to be inflated to? Greater size requires more He, thus more cost. Greater pressure requires more He, thus more cost. I have friends who launch helium-filled weather balloons, with Amateur Radio payloads. Once inflated, these balloons have a diameter of about 10 feet, and once released reach an altitude of about 90,000 feet. The cost of the helium for a balloon like this is about $60. Helium isn't cheap. Actually it's becoming scarce, and the US reserve supply, stored underground near Amarillo, TX, is lower today than it has been in the living memory of most folks. A balloon of the size that most folks are acquainted with would probably cost pennies to fill to a pressure that is less than its bursting point. Hope that helps.

A weather balloon is inflated to a volume of 2.2 x 103 L with 37.4 grams of?


Why does a balloon stick to the celing when rubbed?

1. Rubbing the balloon to your hair causes the balloon to "steal" electrons from your hair. 2.The balloon has a buildup of electron so it has a negative charge. your hair has lost electrons so it becomes positively charged. 3.Because opposites attract the negatively charged balloon will stick or if there are enough electrons on the balloon they will try and "Jump" the wall and will make a small zap by:Zimran Reubin

Related questions

How do you spell balloon?

In English, it is spelt 'balloon'. In French, it is 'ballon'.it's balloon

Why the balloons get inflated when you blow air into it?

The skin of the balloon is air-tight - it's simply trapping the air you breathe into it.

What element that inflates all kinds of balloon?

Most balloons are inflated with helium. (Symbol He, Atomic Number 2)

Which is stronger A blown up balloon or a balloon waiting to be blown up?

I'm not very sure but I think thatthe balloon waiting to be blown up would be stronger, because inflated balloons can often pop easily.

Is there a PICC line with an inflated balloon for placement?

There is not a PICC line with an inflated balloon for placement.

What is plural for balloon?

The possessive form for the noun balloon is balloons'.

How do you spell bloon?

The word is likely one of these: BALLOONS - fabric airships, or the smaller rubber and latex versions inflated with helium BLOOMS - flowers, or harmful overgrowth of algae in a body of water.

who inflated a balloon?

You did

How much room do you need to launch a hot air balloon?

Generally an area as long as the height of the balloon standing up, with at least 3-4 metres or longer (depending on the size of the balloon) for the crown line that helps stabilise the balloon as it is being inflated. The width should be about half the height, but this can vary as there is some leeway, particularly if there are balloons being inflated together side by side.

What is the difference in the height of the balloon after ten minutes and the height of the balloon after sixty minutes?

There is no difference at all if the balloon is not inflated or inflated with air.

What gases can blow up a balloon?

Any gas will inflate the balloon. It simply needs to be introduced into the balloon at a pressure greater than that of the surrounding atmosphere (plus some additional allowance for the pressure required, if any, to stretch the balloon material).

Why an inflated balloon gradually goes down when tied?

As The Balloons are made up helium gas.the helium gas molecules are smaller than air molecules,so they pass through the skin of the balloon .hence ,gradually the balloon becomes airless and looses flight.