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deers,lions,elephants,horses,those all swim in the water

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Q: Animals that have been killed by water pollution?
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How has the panda been affected by pollution?

pollution is killing all kinds of animals because it's releasing lots of chemicals into the air, reducing oxygen levels therefor making it harder too breath

How does air pollution affect extinction?

Air pollution affects extinction in several ways. For one, harsh chemicals in the air can impact both humans and animals. It can also lead to irreparable harm and damage via diseases. For years, countless species of animals have gone extinct due to environmental changes. These changes have been directly attributed to air pollution and contaminants.

What is conclusion for industrial pollution?

even though we say industries are causing a huge amount of disaster for all humans. But still we buy only products which are harmful to nature. we must at least use 2 or 3 things which are thermophile to nature. Like paper bags, recyclable products, avoid burning things. These measures sound small but when we start putting action to them everybody else will also try doing it and it can contribute to a bigger difference.

In what year did water pollution begin?

Human pollution of water has historicaly begun in an environment as soon as human activities are introduced to it. Do you not pollute water just by being in it? Of course, the bulk of water pollution due to human beings arose with the industrial revolution, as factories sprung up globaly. Intentional pollution of a water source could have been used as a means of attacking an enemy since the advent of warfare, and could have even occured prehistoricaly.

What is environmental hazard?

Environmental hazard is the risk of damage to the environment, for example, air pollution, water pollution, toxins, and radioactivity.

Related questions

How long have wastewater treatment plants been around?

Man made water pollution has been around as long as people have. Natural water pollution has been around even longer, and it is when salt water flows into fresh water, animals die in water, or volcanic gases mix with water.

What are the effects of polythene pollution?

One of the effects of the polythene pollution is that it interacts with water to form hazardous chemicals. It leads to the death of animals which consume the polythene which has not been disposed properly.

Why isn't the problem of water pollution not been solved?

The problem of water pollution has not been solved because the water pollution already in the water is being brought back by the water cycle. Also people continue to dump waste in the water.

What does earth pollution do to the water you drink?

because of earth pollution we now have to drink bad water that have been filtered.

What places have been seriously affected by water pollution?


Are animals that have been tested on killed straight after use?


What is the largest effect of pollution in Ireland?

There are various forms of pollution in Ireland. One of the main ones has been the pollution of water, which has been a regular problem, resulting in fish kills and making water unsafe to drink in some parts for short periods. This can come from effluent and other waste products getting into the water system. Low standards on some private water schemes have been problematical. Flooding can cause water pollution occasionally too.

Have more lives been saved than killed in animal testing?

animals are killed purposely so mostly killed

What was the date that water pollution first start?

As long as there has been water there has been water pollution. Natural water pollution occurs when salt water flows into fresh water, animals die in the water, river banks erode, or volcanic gases mix with water. Man made water pollution has existed as long as there have been people. Early settlements used water for sewage disposal, poisoned streams to kill fish and drove cattle through streams. As our settlements and farms grew bigger and we got more numerous water pollution increased. In the middle ages fair sized cities still used streams as sewers, by the Industrial Revolution all sorts of toxic materials from mines and new industries were discharged along with sewage. Today we take a bit better care f the water but are using so much of it that the supply that is left can be degraded easily.

What is the Number of animals killed in US for clothing?

The number of animals that've been killed in US is undefined because the number changes nearly everyday..

How long has water pollution been a problem in centuries?

bum hole

How many animals are killed everyday?

200,000 animals are being killed each day.