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Q: Any living factor in the environment is a what factor?
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What is the difference between the biotic factor and a abiotic factor?

a biotic factor is a living organisms in the environment and a abortic factor is a non-living thing in the environment

What are non living things in an environment are what factor?


Which of the following is a living factor in the environment?


Living or once-living organisms in the environment?

a biotic factor

What is a living factor of an ecosystem?

Is a biological environment consisting of all the organisms living in a particular area.

Definition of living environment?

Any environment that contain living organisms and food.

What are some living things in an environment?

Any living thing such as bacteria or birds etc. in the land in which they live in. For example a tiger (living organism) lives in the jungle (habitat).

Definition of biotic factor?

A living component of an environment ie. the living organisms, that is plants, animals, fungi, single celled organisms. Abiotic factors are the non-living parts, ie. humidity, soil, available light, etc.

What is any living thing in the environment?

An organism

Is a tree an abiotic factor?

No, a tree is a biotic factor because it is a living organism that interacts with other living organisms in its environment. Abiotic factors are non-living components of an ecosystem, such as sunlight, water, and temperature.

What are the nonliving parts of an organism's environment called?

A nonliving factor would be called an abiotic factor. A living factor would be called biotic

What is an environmental factor?

Environmental factor or ecological factor or ecofactor is any factor, abiotic or biotic, that influences living organisms.