Carbon is an element that has 'allotropes' - different crystalline forms that look different from each other and have different physical properties, and yet are made from the same kinds of atoms - carbon atoms. Carbon produces four true allotropes: Charcoal is a black powder that is not truly crystalline. Soot and amorphous carbon are all variations of this allotrope and all look the same - a black powder. Graphite is the substance used in pencils (it isn't 'lead' and never has been!) and in its pure state is a grey, greasy looking shiny solid which, if stroked is very slimy to the touch. Carbon fibre is a refined form of graphite. The carbon atoms in graphite are in sheets that can slide over each other - creating its slippery properties. Diamond is a clear colourless crystalline solid that, in its pure state forms crystals that resemble 2 Egyptian pyramids placed base to base. (Diamonds in jewellery have been cut into different shapes to reflect light in a pleasing way). Diamond is the hardest naturallly occurring material in the world. In diamoond the atoms are bonded together strongly in a large 3-dimensional lattice giving the diamond its great hardness. Finally, there is the allotrope Buckminsterfullerene discovered in 1985 by Harold W. Kroto, Robert F. Curl and Richard E. Smalley who won the Nobel prize in 1996 for their discovery. Buckminsterfullerene has the appearance of a shiny black powder, but differs in its structure from the other allotropes in that the carbon atoms in it form hollow balls of 60 carbon atoms in each. Research is now being undertaken to extend these balls into hollow tubes so that long carbon 'nanotubes' can be made. If these are eventually made on a large scale, they will be immenselly strong being able to make fibres that are stronger than any other at the moment. As an example, it is believed that such a fibre could suspend a car (automobile) without breaking and still be the less than the thickness of a human hair.
Carbon is a light grey or black solid in its pure form. It can exist in various allotropes, such as graphite and diamond, each with unique physical properties. Carbon atoms can also bond with other elements to form compounds with diverse appearances, such as colorful organic molecules.
No, carbon in its pure form is not typically shiny. It can appear as a dull black or grey color in its natural state. However, certain forms of carbon, such as synthetic diamonds, can be cut and polished to create a shiny appearance.
A metal and carbon combination can appear shiny and metallic, with a color that can range from silver to gray or black depending on the specific metal and carbon content. The presence of carbon can also give the material added strength and hardness.
The word "carbon" comes from the Latin word "carbo," meaning charcoal or coal. Carbon was likely named after these carbon-containing materials due to their black color and similarity in appearance.
Carbon is neither ductile nor malleable as it is a non-metallic element. It does not have lustre inherently; however, certain forms of carbon, such as diamonds, can exhibit a shiny appearance due to their high refractive index.
here is a way to find out... breath in, then breath out... do you see anything?... no, the stuff you breath out is carbon dioxide.So the answer is yes... but when you can see your breath sometimes (usually in winter), that is because your breath is warm and the air is cold. Not because the cold makes carbon dioxide visible.
I guess you are referring to the shiny metallic appearance when you say 'silver' Carbon is not silver in appearance. Sulphur is not silver in appearance. Both Carbon and Sulphur are elements.
Yes, Astatine is black in color just like carbon.
Carbon has many forms. Soot, graphite, fullerenes, Buckeyballs, nanotubes, for some examples.
Carbon exists in various forms, including black powder (graphite), shiny crystals (diamond), and buckyballs (fullerenes). The physical appearance of carbon depends on its form, such as being opaque and flaky in graphite, transparent and refractive in diamond, or resembling a hollow sphere in fullerenes.
The only way I can really think of is to look at it, because of carbon's gray appearance it should be pretty easy to tell.
bright steel gets its name from its appearance, due to the high carbon content.
If you burn nylon, it simply turns into a black solid, whose appearance will be like that of carbon
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No, carbon in its pure form is not typically shiny. It can appear as a dull black or grey color in its natural state. However, certain forms of carbon, such as synthetic diamonds, can be cut and polished to create a shiny appearance.
A metal and carbon combination can appear shiny and metallic, with a color that can range from silver to gray or black depending on the specific metal and carbon content. The presence of carbon can also give the material added strength and hardness.
The word "carbon" comes from the Latin word "carbo," meaning charcoal or coal. Carbon was likely named after these carbon-containing materials due to their black color and similarity in appearance.
carbon,hydrogen.and me im in hige i know what im talking about.