

Are halogens all gases

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Bromine (Br2) and Iodine (I2) are liquids at room temperature and pressure

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Q: Are halogens all gases
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How do the physical and chemical properties of the halogens compare with those of the noble glasses?

Halogens are extremely reactive, noble gases are very unreactive. All noble gases are gases; only F and Cl are gases.

How do halogens differ from noble gases?

halogens are much more reactive

How do the properties of the halogens and noble gases compare?

They are completely different Noble gases are colorless, monoatomic gases; the halogens are diatomic, colored and there form at room temperature is F, gas, Cl, gas, Br, liquid I, solid. Nobel gases are chemically unreactive, helium and neon have no known compounds, a few very reactive compounds are known for the rest. The halogens are all reactive, fluoringe is the most reactive. One or more of the halogens will form compounds with all of the other elements apart from the noble gases. (apart from He and Ne)

Are halogens inert gases?

No. halogens are not inert gases. Halogens are group 17 elements. Inert gases or noble gases are the group 18 elements Helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe) and radon (Rn) are the six inert gases.

How do psychical and chemical properties of halogens compare with those of the inert gas?

At room temperature the lighter halogens, F, Cl are diatomic gases, Br is a liquid, I is a solid. All of the halogens are colored and toxic. The noble gases are all colorless odorless non chemically toxic monoatomic gases. (Radon is radioactive).

How do the physical and chemical properties of the halogens comparew with those of the inert gases?

Halogens are very reactive both physically & chemically than that of inert gases ,as halogens have valency 1.

What are two types of gases?

halogens and noble

What is the correct list of elemental families in order going from left to right?

Alkali metals, transition metals, halogens or Transition metals, halogens, noble gases or Alkali earth metals, halogens, noble gases

What has electron configurations of noble gases by gaining one electron?

All halogens or group 17 elements.

Are all halogens gases at room temperature?

no bromine is liquid and iodine is solid at room temp

Halogens that are gases at room temperature and pressure?

Only fluorine and chlorine are gases at room temperature. Bromins is a liquid. Iodine and astatine are solids.

How are halogens and noble gases alike?

they have similar properties