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No hurricanes are caused by instability over warm oceans creating thunderstorms which start to spin and join together.

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Q: Are hurricanes caused by shifts in tectonic plates?
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Which natural disaster cannot be caused by shifts in tectonic plates?

volcanoes and avalanches

What occurs when ground near tectonic plates shifts changes position?


What is the sudden shaking of the earth that often causes a lot of damage?

An earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused by shifts in the tectonic plates as they move against each other.

What are the causes and effects of tsunamis in points?

Tsunamis are caused by shifts in tectonic plates in the middle of the ocean. Once they come ashore, tsunamis can cause millions of dollars in property damage.

What really causes earthquakes?

Shifts in tectonic plates. Or Chuck Norris's stomach rumbling, either one.

What are some fun and strange facts about London?

London was originally in France, but moved to the UK due to shifts in tectonic plates

What body of water do earthquakes form?

Earthquakes come from shifts in tectonic plates of the earth. Some of the rifts between these are in bodies of water.

Can hurricanes cause an earthquake?

No, earthquakes are triggered when a tectonic plate shifts. An earthquake takes place in the ground. Hurricanes, on the other hand, take place in the sky. It will take an enormous hurricane to move an area by one centimeter. But, they can never cause earthquakes.

What tectonic plates is San Francisco near?

San Francisco is close to the San Andreas fault in California. This fault shifts, moves, and grows almost all the time.

When was the end of the civilization in the indus valley?

The fate of the cities remained a mystery until the 1970s. Then, satellite images of the subcontinent of India revealed evidence of shifts in tectonic plates.

What natural disaster is created by tectonic shifts?


What two earth changing events occur when the plates underneath the ocean spread?

Earthquakes and tsunamis. Earthquakes are caused by the shifting or rubbing of tectonic plates, while tsunamis are a result of the displacement of the water, generating waves which gradually increase in height and power.