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molecules are more active in warm air. Hope this helped

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Q: Are molecules more active in warm air or cold air?
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Between cold and warm

Is worm more active in cold water or warm water?

warm water i likes the warmth and moves more freely

Does cold air or warm air have more molecules occupying a cubic centimeter of space?

cold air

Cold air has more molecules occupying a cubic centimeter of space then warm air therefore it has a what pressure?

Cold air has more molecules occupying space than warm air, therefore it has high pressure.

Why do molecules in warm water absorb more sugar then the molecules in cold water?

the molecules in water have more energy and so will break down the solids quicker

Warm air and cold air have densities?

Yes! Warm air is less dense, which is why warm air rises. Cold air is more dense so that's why it sinks.

Would sugar dissolve more rapidly in warm water or cold water?

In warm because the warm molecules are moving faster and can dissolve more hope that answers your question.

Cold air exerts more blank than warm air?

air molecules in cold air exert more pressure because they are closer together and collide more often

Why does water expand at the equator?

Water expands at the equator because it is warm there, and warm molecules expand. Warm molecules expand and cold molecules decrease in size.

Why does cold air exerts more pressure then the warm air?

Because the air molecules are packed closer together in cold air.

What is the difference between water moulecules air vs cold air?

The water molecules in cold air are moving more slowly than those in warm air. Additionally, because the other air molecules are packed more closely together, less water molecules can fit between them. Consequently, the absolute humidity of cold air when saturated with water molecules is lower than that of warm air.

Why does warm air usually rise in the cool air that surrounds it?

the warm air's particles are more spread out so they rise up and have the face filled by the molecules in the cold air which are closer together. also warm air's molecules move faster than cold air