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The crystal system is cubic for sodium chloride and diamond.

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Q: Are sodium chloride and diamond isomorphic?
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Is sodium chloride isomorphic?

Sodium chloride is isomorphic with potassium chloride.

Are sodium chloride and potassium chloride isomorphic?

Yes, they have the same "halite" crystal structre

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Why does diamond have a higher melting point then sodium chloride?

the bonds between the atoms of carbon in diamonds are much stronger than the atoms in Sodium Chloride. Each carbon atom in diamond is covalently bonded to 4 other carbon atoms making it very difficult to boil/melt. Whereas sodium chloride is in the structure of an ionic lattice with strong electrostatic forces of attraction between the negatively charged chloride atoms and the positively charged sodium atoms; this is still strong but not as much as diamond.

Why is the melting point of diamond higher than that of sodium chloride?

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What type of atom is in sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride has two atoms in the formula unit (NaCl): sodium and chlorine.

Which substance is a compound carbon chloride sodium chloride sodium?

Sodium chloride is a compound.

Is sodium chloride carcinogenic?

Sodium chloride is not a cause of cancer.

What does Sodium chloride have?

Sodium chloride is formed from sodium and chlorine.

Is sodium chloride or sodium fluoride stronger?

sodium chloride

Why is sodium chloride different from sodium chloride crystals in its electricity conductivity?

Solid sodium chloride is not an electrolyte.Sodium chloride in water solutions or molten sodium chloride are electrolytes.

What melts at lower temperatures diamond salt silver?

Salt (sodium chloride) is melted at 801 oC.