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there's Copper Harbor, in MI.

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Q: Are there Elements named after town?
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Elements named after the same place?

Yttrium, ytterbium, terbium, and erbium are all named for the Scottish town Ytterby, where they were discovered.

Is there a town named Piedmont in Utah?

No, there is not a town named Piedmont in the state of Utah. However, there is a town named Piedmont in the state of Wyoming.

What town was named after Hermione daughter of Menelaus?

The town was named Ermioni

What is chatam named after?

"Chatam" is commonly named after the town or region where the originator of the chatam resides or operates from. It can be a play on words, a combination of values or elements, or simply a unique creation that represents the essence of the chatam.

What town in Spain is named for Picasso's work?

No: Picasso's painting is named after the town.

Where in Australia is the city or town named letter?

There is no city or town in Australia named "Letter".

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there is no town in vermont named North Upton

For what else might elements be named?

Elements may also be named for the place where they were discovered or developed

Which elements are named by scientists?

There are five different elements that are named by scientists. The five elements are Bohrium, Curium, Einsteinium, Fermium and Lawrencium.

What was the first town named for James Madison?

Madison, Georgia was named the first town named after James madison in 1809.

What is the meaning of the town named hackensack and who named it?


What elements named after a person?

There are 15 elements that are named after a person. Curium, for example, is named after Marie and Pierre Curie, while Bohrium is named after Niels Bohr.