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thin bolts of light..









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Q: Are there any words that describe thunder or lightning if so what are they?
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Related questions

What kind of storm has lightning and thunder?

Any storm that has lightning and thunder is a thunderstorm. It wouldn't matter if there was snow, rain or no precipitation falling, if there is lightning it is a thunderstorm

What does it mean if there is thunder and lightning but no precipitation?

It means that there is thunder and lightning in the sky, but NO PRECIPITATION,so there isn't any rain,hail,sleet,snow,etc.

How many seconds behind is the thunder before the lightning?

Light is virtually instantaneous over any distance you'd be aware of a thunderstorm going on. Sound, however, takes five seconds to travel through air for each mile. If the thunder and the lightning are simultaneous, the lightning strike is very close to you. If the thunder is five seconds after the lightning, the lightning was one mile away. If the thunder is ten seconds after the lightning, the lightning was 2 miles away, and so on.

What does Zeus need the most?

His lightning bolt! There cannot not be any storms if Zeus does not have his lightning bolt. For example, you can't have thunder without lightning.

How do you get thunder powers?

get shocked by lightning or just read a thunder book like thunder rose and dream about it and predict that you think it will happen any time.

What is dry lightning?

A thunderstorm that doesn't produce precipitation of any kind. This is dangerous in heavily wooded areas.

Is heat lightning real?

Yes. it is not any special type of lighting, however; it is simply lightning that is too far away to hear the thunder.

If you haven't heard thunder in 30 minutes but can still clearly see the lightning is it possible to be struck?

Yes. If lightning is still in your vicinity, you're still in the danger zone, even if you don't hear any thunder.

Does lightening thunder?

Thunder and lightning occur simultaneously. We often hear the thunder after seeing the lightning due to the distance between us observers and the source of the lightning. Light travels faster than sound, so we see the lightning first and hear the sound later.

How are thunderstorms different from rain showers?

A rain shower is any even that produces a relatively brief period of rain. A thunderstorm is a rain storm that produces thunder and lightning.

Can there be a thunderstorm with no lightning?

Thunder is caused by the explosive expansion of air that gets super-heated very quickly by a lightning bolt. There can be no thunder without lightning, although you may not be able to see the lightning that caused it.

Any bad weather in tropical rainforests?

Yes there is bad weather in rainforests there is: lots of rain and thunder and lightning.