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Both are metalloids.

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Q: Arsenic and silicon are similar in that they both?
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How are silicon and arsenic similar?

They are Both Metalloids

How are boron and arsenic similar?

Boron and arsenic are both metalloids.

Boron and arsenic are similar in that they both?

Both of these are elements of the periodic table.

Can you give examples of elements that are metalloids?

The metalloids are Boron, Silicon, Germanium, Arsenic, Antimony, Tellurium, and Polonium.

How arev boron and arsenic similar?

They are both metalloids, or semimetals.

What elements bond with arsenic?

silicon, germanium

What elements are metalloids?

The Elements are: Boron(B), Silicon(Si), Germanium(Ge), Arsenic(As), Antimony(Sb), Tellurium(Te), and Astatine(At) all the metalloids are:Boron (B)Silicon (Si)Germanium (Ge)Arsenic (As)Antimony (Sb)Tellurium (Te)Polonium (Po)

What do boron silicon and arsenic have in common Use the partial Periodic Table for reference?

using the partial periodic table above for reference ,whatdo boron ,silicon , and arsenic have in common

Hard dark colored element used in solar cells?

The main element from the periodic table used to make a solar cell is silicon. A simple solar cell consists of a sandwich of a 'silicon-boron' layer and a 'silicon-arsenic' layer. The amount of boron and arsenic present is however very small.

What are some examples of metalloid elements?

7 metalloids:BoronArsenicAntimonyTelluriumPoloniumSiliconGermanium

What elements are both classified as metalloids?

Elements that are classed as metalloids are Boron (B), Silicon (Si), Germanium (Ge), Arsenic (As), Antimony (Sb), Tellurium (Te), and Polonium (Po).

Do boron and silicon have similar chemical properties?

yes, theyre masses are similar and they are both metalloids