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the temp stays the same

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Decrease. The tropopause marks the boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere, where temperature generally decreases with altitude. This trend continues through the stratosphere and into the mesosphere until reaching the mesopause where temperatures are at their lowest in the upper atmosphere.

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Q: As altitude increases from the tropopause to the mesopause the atmospheric temperature will?
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What do the stratopause tropopause and the mesopause all have in common?

The stratopause, tropopause, and mesopause are all transitional boundaries in the Earth's atmosphere between different layers. They mark the upper limits of the stratosphere, troposphere, and mesosphere, respectively. These boundaries are characterized by significant changes in temperature and atmospheric properties.

What separates the layered gases in the atmosphere by their what?

The layered gases in the atmosphere are separated by their density and composition. As you move higher into the atmosphere, the gases become less dense and more homogeneous in composition. The layers are primarily defined by temperature variations, with distinct boundaries such as the tropopause and stratopause.

What is the temperature of the mesopause in degrees Celsius?

The temperature at the mesopause can vary widely based on location and time, but it generally ranges from about -90°C to -120°C.

What are the three transitional layers in the atmosphere?

The three transitional layers in the atmosphere are the tropopause, which separates the troposphere and the stratosphere; the stratopause, which separates the stratosphere and the mesosphere; and the mesopause, which separates the mesosphere and the thermosphere.

What is the layer of the atmosphere directly above the troposphere?

stratosphereThe atmospheric layer above the troposphere is the stratosphere. It extends to about 30-35 miles above the earth's surface, and is the most stable layer.

Related questions

What do the stratopause tropopause and the mesopause all have in common?

The stratopause, tropopause, and mesopause are all transitional boundaries in the Earth's atmosphere between different layers. They mark the upper limits of the stratosphere, troposphere, and mesosphere, respectively. These boundaries are characterized by significant changes in temperature and atmospheric properties.

What separates the layered gases in the atmosphere by their what?

The layered gases in the atmosphere are separated by their density and composition. As you move higher into the atmosphere, the gases become less dense and more homogeneous in composition. The layers are primarily defined by temperature variations, with distinct boundaries such as the tropopause and stratopause.

What is the approximate height and tempertaure of the tropause?

The height of the tropopause typically ranges from 8 to 18 kilometers above the Earth's surface. The temperature at the tropopause is around -60 degrees Celsius on average, but this can vary depending on the location and season.

What is the temperature of the mesopause in degrees Celsius?

The temperature at the mesopause can vary widely based on location and time, but it generally ranges from about -90°C to -120°C.

What is the name for the coldest point in the atmosphere?

The coldest point in the atmosphere is known as the tropopause. This boundary separates the troposphere and the stratosphere, and temperatures can drop significantly as you move higher into the stratosphere.

What are the three transitional layers in the atmosphere?

The three transitional layers in the atmosphere are the tropopause, which separates the troposphere and the stratosphere; the stratopause, which separates the stratosphere and the mesosphere; and the mesopause, which separates the mesosphere and the thermosphere.

What is the layer of the atmosphere directly above the troposphere?

stratosphereThe atmospheric layer above the troposphere is the stratosphere. It extends to about 30-35 miles above the earth's surface, and is the most stable layer.

What are the four minor layers of the earth's atmosphere?

The four minor layers of the Earth's atmosphere are the tropopause, stratopause, mesopause, and exosphere. These layers mark the boundaries between the main layers of the atmosphere and have distinct characteristics based on temperature, composition, and altitude.

What gases are in the mesopause?

The mesopause contain carbon dioxide.

layers of the at?

The atmosphere can be divided into five layers based on temperature variations. The layer closest to the Earth is called the troposphere. Above this layer is the stratosphere, followed by the mesosphere, then the thermosphere. The upper boundaries between these layers are known as the tropopause, the stratopause, and the mesopause, respectively. Temperature variations in the four layers are due to the way solar energy is absorbed as it moves downward through the atmosphere. The Earth’s surface is the primary absorber of solar energy. Some of this energy is reradiated by the Earth as heat, which warms the overlying troposphere. The global average temperature in the troposphere rapidly decreases with altitude until the tropopause, the boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere.

Where is the mesopause located?

Mesopause is located between the mesosphere and the thermosphere atmospheric regions. It actually consists of two minima, at two different altitudes, the first being at 52 miles, and the second, at 62 miles above sea level.

How is temperature related by altitude?

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